Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! This is my ever first story on here, and hopefully you guys like it! Please Follow and Vote for more! Enjoy!

     Sam's POV

One early morning in May, Sam Moore was sound asleep in his bed, when he heard the annoying beeping of his alarm clock. 

I growled loudly when I remember why I had set it. Today is another day of my senior year of High School. Man, why can't they make it later today! I decided to laid there for a few extra minutes. 

I was about to get up when I heard my door open slowly. "Hey, bro," someone said in a deep, joyful voice. It was my really annoying older brother... Joel.

 When I was 14 years old my parents had to much going on with their stupid business to take care of me, so they sent me to live with my brother in Denver, Colorado for my High School years. Or that's what he told me. It suked. Joel would pick me up from school and drop me off at home, then leave. Hours later he would get home smelling like alcohol and go to bed, or just not show up at all. Most nights I had to feed myself or just go to bed hungry.

I shuddered at the memory it was awful back then. At lest Joel grew up and doesn't do that very much anymore but we still don't have the best relationship... 

 "Y'all need to get ready for school." He said way to loud. I pulled my brand new fluffy white cover over my head. Don't judge.

 "Leave me alone, Joel." I replied half awake. The next thing I knew was the cover being pulled off of me and me falling onto the ice cool floor. "Don't make me come back and turn on the lights," Joel threatened as he walked out the door.

Ugh, he'll pay later.

I angerly got up off the floor and got ready for the day. First I got dressed then went into the bathroom me and Joel shared. I did all the crap people normally do in there, then went down stars.  

The first thing I noticed when I came down was a random note on the dining room table, it read:

 Sue called and said that she needed a ride to the Springs. Brb. Get to school.  


I just rolled my eyes, that's my brother for ya, whenever he gets a call from his girl he uses it as an excuse to leave. As I went into the kitchen to get some cereal. 

Oh shoot! He took the truck! How will I get to school?

I guess I could text Grace and see if she can give me a ride. 

I finished my cereal and left the bowl on the conter. 

I thought for a minute about how long I and Grace Miller had been friends. I think that we meant in third grade. I don't really know. 

I went back up to my room and grabbed my phone and sent Gracy a text.

Me: howdy, I got a question for you

Gracy: Oh, hey! That's funny, I have a question for you too!

Me: lol well, there is only one way to settle this....

Gracy: And that is?

Me: the lady goes first

Gracy: Thanks! I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to church on Sunday. I also wanted to ask you something else, but I'll do that later. Your turn!

Me: my brother took our truck... I would love to go to church with you and well, I was wandering if you could give me a ride to school

Me: ?

Gracy: Sure, I will be there in five!

Me: K, thanks

I smirked. She's adorable.

I went back down stars and open the closet by the front door and grabbed my black leather jacket. Then sat down on the small couch my brother had, to wait for her.

All of a sudden a memory that I forgot about started to play in my mind.

*Flash back* 

"Mom, please I'll do better! I promise!" I yell as mom puts the rest of my bags into the back of Joel's old car and my dad drags me toward it.

"Oh, you will Son. When you come back." My father said creepily.

I wiped at my face to try and stop the tears that fell as I stopped trying to get out of his tight grip and asked, "I'm going to come back?"

I looked between my parents with hope. They both smile evilly. "Yes, you'll come back once you have graduated and then you'll take over the family business." My mom said.  

"When I graduate! That's four years away!" I start pulling way harder then before and crying again. "What family business?!!? NOOO! LET ME GO!" 

"JOEL! Get out here you brother is loosing it!" My dad yelled towered the houes we just walked out of.

Joel came out and took my other arm, then they both pushed me into the car. 

I all of a sudden felt dizzy and then Joel hopped in the car and started driving away. 

I wanted to ask questions, I wanted to say goodbye to my parents I wanted so many things, but as I watched the car drive out of North Carolina, I blacked out.

*End of flash back* 

Wow, I haven't remembered that dream in a while. Yes, I just called it a dream, or at lest that's what Joel said it was and I believe him because IF that dream was true then... then...

All of a sudden me thoughts were intuited by the doorbell ringing.

I got up and opened the door and there was Grace, with a small smile sweet on her face. Her start long blond hair was in a braded bun, her light brown eyes twinkled, and she wore a dark pink coat, white jeans, and light brown ankle high boots.

 Jee, this girl could make me forget everything with just looking at her. 

"Howdy," I said with a smile as I stood in the door way. I stared at her a second longer, then said, "You look pretty. What's the occasion?" Grace softly gasped. "No reason." I shrugged and hummed, "Mmm-hmm." I stepped out, closed the door, and walked with Grace to her white Saturn.

As we walked I thought about last year when me and Grace were almost boyfriend and girlfriend. At the time I was so ready for it, but Grace said that she wasn't at all. So after a month of arguing and talking, we decided that we would take our relationship slow. It was hard for me, but I would wait. 

For this girl it's worth it.

I went over on the driver's side and opened the door for Grace.

"My lady." I said with a terrible accent.

I'm gonna have to work on that. 

"Thanks," was her reply as she got in the car. I closed the door with a small smile on my face, went over to the other side of the car, got in and buckled my seat belt.

"So," I started as we pulled out of the drive way. "What did you want to ask me earlier?"

 "Oh," Grace exclaimed as she turned the car around. "I want to tell you two things. One: If you are looking for a summer job, then I have one for you. Two: Do you mind if I work at the same place as you?" 

"Ok," I said while looking over at her. "You are very sweet to get a job for me. Tell me about it." I don't know what happened, but I just had the sudden erge to touch her.

So, slowly I reached my hand out and touched her cheek. My finger traced up and down her very soft pink cheek. She leaned in to my hand as she looked over at me. 

We ended up looked at each other for to long, because out of the corner of my eye I saw a dear in the middle of the road. "Grace, look out!!" I yelled. Grace turned to look at the road and screamed as she hit the brakes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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