bill gets broken up with #redflag (gf)

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It was a long time coming, something that couldn't be avoided no matter how much either of them would sacrifice for each other, blood, bone, hair or soul they would give to keep the other near.

Maybe that was the issue, the way they fervently loved each other, dug their teeth into each other like tender and fresh meat.

The summer they spent in florence would be the last summer together, the days spent lazing in each other arms as bill whispered sweet nothings in Arlo's ear, caressing the conch of heart strings, fingers diligently caressing tangles out of hair all blown away with a bottle of wine to the wall and an argument ending violence.

Bill swayed into the wall, the golden blood rushing down his face, trickling down the sharp of his cheekbones and over his aquiline nose. Arlo was panting on the counter, his face flushed with rage.

"Why don't you love me!" he screamed and grabbed at his hair, the sweater that he borrowed from bill hung off his shoulders, there was nothing on his legs, he swayed like a newborn foal who got up for the first time.

"I do, darling I do, so much." Bill murmured, not strong enough to speak loudly.

"You're lying to me, I know you are,I could spend a week away from you and you wouldn't remember me." Arlo spoke incredulously, his face losing its pallor quickly, Bill looked at him through bleary vision.

"Mon coeur, I could spend the rest of my life without you and never ever forget you." the night under wisterias, would always be a fond memory for him even if arlo broke his heart, he was simply too beautiful to be mortal, a god hand crafted him most definitely.

"I can't live like this, if you can't say i love you to me, then i wont be with you." Arlo threw his clothes and wallet into a tote bag and ran out the door, leaving a still delirious bill behind.

If bill had to wait centuries for him if arlo wanted him to scoop out his liver every morning like prometheus to prove his love he would, he would do whatever it took to see his smile, to feel the curls of his white hair on his chin at night, to smell the sun on him, to dance with him to cheesy 60s songs while making dinner.

He passed out that night with a smile on his face, his acolyte would always come home, sometimes it just took longer, and if it took an apology so be it.

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