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Last night Jahseh had a very vivid dream where him & his friends meet a girl that tells Jahseh his life is in danger. The next morning when Jahseh is trying to catch some sleep in class his teacher announces the arrival of a new transfer student. It's the girl from his dream. As she walking to her seat next to Jahseh she drops a folded piece of paper on his desk. ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。

~ trigger warning : descriptions of murder

Jahseh Wallace was a smart boy; he knew right from wrong & up from down. So being the smart teen he is he decided to tell his father when he was having trouble sleeping at night due to nightmares. His father being the smart man he is thought the nightmares were a result of Jahesh's mother going missing earlier that year.

Joanna Wallace was kidnapped on her way to pick up Jahesh & his friend DJ from the movie theater. She was missing for three months before she was found dead in the woods near the movie theater.

Professionals perfomed autopsies on her but couldn't determine the cause of death. Who kidnapped her & the cause of death is still unsolved. Of course people had to put their two-sense in; people started saying she went crazy & killed herself while others say that Jahesh's father had something to do with it.

Jahseh didn't know what to believe.

He has never been the same since. He became paranoid in fear of him being kidnapped too. Although he wasn't the same person as he was before she died he tried not to let his mom being dead define him or be his personality.

Jahseh tried therapy but the nightmares presisted until they got so bad that he was scared to sleep; he would often see his mother being murdered. After slaying his mom the murderer would try to come for him in his dreams. Then all of sudden the murderous dreams stopped. For a while his dreams stopped. Until last night.. when a girl in his dreams told him that he was in terrible danger.

The Girl Of My DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now