Part 1

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*Warner Bros. Logo plays, and then the Cartoon Network Logo, and then the LEGO Logo. The scene cuts to TV static, which transitions into a white arch with the CN World logo on it.*

Announcer: Hello there, viewers! You've seen this logo, haven't you? *chuckles* Well, it's the logo of Cartoon Network!

*The camera pans down under the arch to CN World, where we see various rides based off of various Cartoon Network cartoons, and we also see children and adults walking around. Robots who look exactly like the Cartoon Network characters are waving to the adults and children, while saying their catchphrases.*

Announcer: Not only that, but it's also on the arch of our biggest and most epic theme park, CN World!

*Cut to a medium shot of a little girl waving at two robots who look exactly like Flain and Seismo.*

Announcer: At CN World, you can meet your most favorite characters from our network, and yes, we're including the canceled ones you've enjoyed over the years!

Announcer: Including Victor & Valentino, Mixels, Ed, Edd, n Eddy, Robotboy, OK K.O., Robot Jones, Pecola, and so much more! And it's all here at CN World. are you CN what I'm CN?

*Fade to black, and then cut to two grown men walking towards the Flain-looking robot as the robot waves to the child.*

Flain: Welcome to CN World, grab a coconapple and get ready for some rad fun!

The first grown man: Hey Carl, look at this dude. *points at Flain robot with a beer can* He remind you of anything?

Carl: Pssh, he reminded me of you. *grabs beer can from first grown man* Now let me at 'im!

*Carl splashes the beer from the beer can onto the Flain robot, causing the robot to pause, and then say fragments of Flain quotes and glitch out. The child's parents hold her and walk away from the robots and the grown men.*

Carl: Couldn't hold his liquor, I guess.

Speaker Announcer: Attention everyone, Flain is currently malfunctioning in the entrance of the Mixel Land section of CN World.

*The grown men yelp and run off-screen, thinking that the speaker announcer is onto them. Two adults in black pants, white shirts with a pink, yellow, and blue stripe, and colorful name tags run towards the Flain robot. One employee was a black male with black hair tied into a short ponytail, and the other was a female brunette with short hair.*

Male CN World employee: Damnit, another beer problem. We'll just have to fix him up.

Female CN World employee: I guess so.

*The two employees then grabbed the malfunctioning robot and carried him out of the scene. Fade to black. Cut to the inside of a laboratory where the two employees are putting the malfunctioning Flain robot onto a table, with a smaller table next to it that had a scalpel, tweezers, scissors, and an electronic, green book labeled "CN WORLD A.I. STATS".*

Female CN World employee: Alright, he's most likely gonna need some new microchips, depending on what the beer touched.

Male CN World employee: Sounds good. I'll get the microchips, and you'll open up his chest.

Female CN World employee: Why do I have to open his chest, haven't I done enough opening parts of robots these past few weeks? One time you had me open the Nurp side of Nurp-Naut so you could replace it because some kid smashed it.

Male CN World employee: I know, and the kid smashed it because he wouldn't hug him.

Female CN World employee: And then right when I was done, some superfan pulled out Edd's hat to figure out what he was hiding in it.

Male CN World employee: But then he only found a bunch of wires.

*Cut to the malfunctioning Flain robot, who is still twitching and sparking as the argument plays off-screen. However, the right arm suddenly grabbed the electronic book and shook it, and then it stopped and dropped the book back onto the table, causing the book to open to a page that included sliders and a picture of Flain. Afterwards, his hand dropped onto a slider labeled "SELF-AWARENESS", causing the slider to go to maximum, which made Flain stop malfunctioning, but it also made him get up from the table.*

Female CN World employee: Why can't you open the robot?

Male CN World employee: Because you got dem muscles, and have you seen me try to lift that Nurp-Naut robot? I could barely lift his huge robot head!

Female CN World employee: I helped you carry him!

Flain: (Bit-crushed voice) Excuse me?

(A/N: Since Flain had his self-awareness go up while he was malfunctioning, his voice became bit-crushed and will stay bit-crushed throughout this story.)

*The CN World employees immediately stopped talking and slowly turned towards Flain in shock.*

Female CN World employee: Okay, Brad, what did you do this time?

Male CN World employee: I did nothing and you know it!

Flain: Wait, hold on, who are you guys?

Female: CN World employee: ..I'm Charlize Everhart, and this is Brad Bluebird. Just hold still and we'll get you back to normal.

*Flain then climbs off off the table.*

Charlize: By the way, I'm getting the tools this time. I've done too much opening robots for today.

Brad: Okay, fine!

Flain: .."Robots"?

Brad: Yeah, you're a robot, an A.I. to be more specific. Now be a good robot and let us open your chest.

*Flain looked around in fear, but then he spotted the smaller table from before next to the table he was laying on top of. He ran to the smaller table and grabbed a pair of scissors and a pair of tweezers.*

Flain: Stand back, just tell me where my tribe is!

Charlize: Look, your settings don't allow you to harm humans like us and besides, we're trying to fix you. To make you better.

*Flain paused before slowly putting the scissors and tweezers down on the table, but then he ran towards a door except due to being so close to the table, he accidentally tripped it, causing everything from the smaller table to fly onto the CN World employees, causing them to get killed by having the tools lodged into them. Flain opened the door, revealing various glass rooms containing various CN World robots of different shows.*

Flain: ...Oh, schnixel.

*Flain closed the door, but then he realized he forgot about the CN World book, so he turned around, only to gasp in horror as he saw Brad and Charlize impaled by scissors, the book, and tweezers.*

Flain: *runs towards Charlize, who had the book lodged into her heart* No, no, no, no, no! I didn't mean for this! *slowly reaches for the book and yanks it out*

*Flain looked at the book in horror a third of it was covered in blood. Flain backed away from the bodies and ran towards the door and opened it again. This time, however, he ran towards a glass room labeled "MIXELS CRAGSTERS" and went inside the room filled with Cragster-looking robots. In the room, Flain ran towards one of the robots in the pile which looked exactly like Krader.
He pressed the yellow part on top of Krader's head, causing him to turn on.*

Krader: Flain, how we get cross river? I want fun-fun barbecue too!

Flain: No, Krader, we don't have time for that!

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