Fuck you McCormick

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Craig's pov:
I slowly turned over looking at my alarm clock half asleep as it rang repeatedly. I threw the clock across the wall fully over it not even caring if it broke or not. I was so over it and just drifted back to sleep. I then woke up an hour later checking my phone realizing I had over slept. "Oh shit I'm gonna be late." I quickly threw on my socks in a rush and put on a white shirt and some black pants. Throwing over my hoodie I grabbed my hat and put it on rushing out of my room, down the stairs as I grabbed a quick piece of toast from the counter of which my mom had previously made. It was cold but I still ate it. "Love you bye mom." I said about to exit the door.
"Forgetting something honey?" My mom said while washing dishes not looking back at me.
"Oh shoot yeah I forgot to say bye to stripe."
"No your backpack Craig."
"Oh yeah." I said jetting up the stairs as I grabbed my backpack and flung it over my shoulders.
"Bye stripe." I said running down the stairs.
"Bye mom." With that I was out in a hurry. My car had broken down the other day and I had been to lazy to fix it so I just took off running since I couldn't take the bus either since I was already late.

  I finally arrived at school and entered my 1st period, only to see everyone staring at me. "What are you assholes looking at, I said annoyed flipping everyone off. I walked over to go sit down in my seat as I soon fell to the floor. "What the fuck." I looked up to see that I had been tripped by none other then Kenny fucking McCormick. Of course his stupid gang started laughing so annoying, I thought to myself.

  I flipped him off before sitting down as, I tried to bush it off I got lost in my thoughts thinking of ways to get him back until a devious smile grew across my face I knew exactly what I'd do.

Time skip:
It was finally lunch and time for my plan. "Alright Clyde you grab his left arm and Token you grab his right, and I'll push him into the bathroom. Once we're in there I'll lock the door while you guys hold him down got it?"

  "Hmm and what do we get out of this?" Clyde asked stupidly.  
"Bro you get to be friends with me that should be good enough, be grateful."
"Alright he's walking past the bathroom get behind the corner."

    We watched as Kenny walked past the corner and started heading down the hallway that was near the bathroom. We jumped from the other corner as Clyde and Token grabbed Kenny while I pushed him into the bathroom.

"Dude what the fuck." Came from a muffled Kenny struggling as he tried to break lose from their grip.
"You won't escape by struggling we'll just hold you down even more. Make that grip tighter guys." I called out to Token and Clyde.
"You really thought I'd let you get away like that and embarrass me asshole?" I pulled down Kenny's hood to let him speak.
"Dude it was a fucking joke."
"Not a funny one." I retorted.
"Lets make this quick."

I walked over and into the biggest stall at the end.
"Here guys hold him back while I dunk his head in."
"Any last words McCormick?"
"Fuck you"
"Alright I guess you deserve this then," And with that I dunked his head into the toilet until his head and hair were completely soaked. I finally let him go after I was satisfied with my revenge. It was so funny he scurried off like a wet dog.

Kenny's pov:
That mother fucker god dammit now my hairs all wet. Some got on my parka. I felt the cold breeze hit my face like a brick. Shit I'm freezing from toilet water, so nasty. I headed over to the cafeteria to see my usual friends sitting there already eating without me. I got lunch and headed over to go sit with them
"Hey guys." I sighed
"Hey dude whats up?" Kyle said with a confused look on his face.
"What happened Kenny?" Stan questioned looking at my soaked hair.
"That asshole Craig dunked my head into the toilet." I said looking over at Craig as he looked over at me and flipped me off, while him and his friends started laughing.
  Cartman scoffed "looks like somebody took a little swim in the toilet huh kinny. That's the cleanest you'll ever be you poor piece of crap."
"Shut up fat ass." Kyle said in an attempt to defend me.
Cartman sighed "how many times do I gotta tell you khal its not fat its muscle you stupid jew."
"No it's not you fat ass."
"Yeah it I-"
"Guys guys let's just finish eating the bells about to ring." I said interrupting their petty argument. The bell rang and we all headed off to our next classes.

Time skip:
School was finally over. We headed out and got on the bus.  Finally I'm so glad schools over. I leaned my head against the window as I watched Craig about to board the bus. As he climbed on he walked past me towards the back of the bus and thumped me on the head.

"Fuck you McCormick."
"Asshole." I replied.

Finally I got home and tossed myself on my bed ignoring everything else going on in my life, including eating dinner. I soon got lost in my thoughts about what happened today. Man Craig's such a piece of shit all I did was trip him, it was just a joke. He looks kinda cute when he's all angry though. Woah this is enough thinking for me I'm tired. Did I mean what I just thought about Craig? Wait no it's just the tiredness speaking in me I'm going to bed. With that I soon fell asleep.

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