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Calm, soft winds blew through the clearing in the deep of the forest, a medium-sized temple lay near the corner of the clearing, a statue of a lamb big and bold sat in the center, some around it worshiping. Others worked on farms or gathering materials, however, one sat at the edge near the opposite of the temple, away from the crowds. Sitting by a shrine-like memorial dedicated to the now deceased bishops of The Old Faith. Since each one's passing one 'god' has been left. The Red Crown or well, the lamb. Many names had been used for them, each folk around the distant lands had a different name for them. Followers of their cult had simply known them as "The Lamb" and was often all that was used for him amongst the flock. However, the rather small figure, a cat-like creature, loomed around the memorial, often either seemingly mourning or even taking special care of each spot, flowers and skulls surrounded the memorial, He, Narinder, a black cat whose eyes were hidden by a veil from the bright sun, would spend few moments each day polishing each spot off whether it be dust or dirt, grime or grease, it would be cleaned. No other member of the cult seemed to do this nor exactly notice his work. But of course, after that was done he would loom in the shadows nearby. Away from that damned lamb, their silly cult, All of it.

The cat loomed in the shade of the trees around the memorial for a while. It was dark enough for the veil to be removed without the discomfort of the light, as they sat, footsteps approached, soft ones at that, they approached quietly but still loud enough for Narinder to have to squint from the behind of a tree to see them. "Nari! I've been looking everywhere for you!" The lamb ran up to him happily, Narinder stayed quiet for a bit before eventually peeping a word out of his mouth. "What do you want?" Narinder sat down where he was before. "Well, I was wondering, I know you mi-" "-I do not miss them." Narinder huffed before the lamb could finish. "Then why do you always stay near the crowns? Surely you must miss them at least a little." The lamb said with a doleful look on their face. "Well, a little bit… but…" Narinder paused, he truly did miss each of his siblings greatly, some more than others, but expressing such made him feel weak. The ex-god of death surely shouldn't feel such overbearing sadness for something cannot be stopped, only halted, especially since he himself was the cause of it.

"Well Nari, I had an idea.. You may not like it. But it may make you feel better." The lamb nodded looking back from Narinder and to the memorial. "Well. Spit it out. I may have all day but I do not wish to spend it chatting with the likes of you."  The lamb merely chuckled at Narinders remarks. "Well, what if say… if there was a way to bring them back? Of course, in a less powerful form. Would you be up to help me?"  The lamb looked back to Narinder and placed their hand near his own. "What if?"  The lamb's eyes shone with a slight bit of hope, wonder even. "Well, there may be… but well, they most likely are still mad with me. If they do happen to have even a slight bit of power things may turn for the worst." Narinder looked around a bit, dodging eye contact. "Well. If we do bring them back, I won't let them lay a paw on you! Promise!"  Narinder nodded again, a solemn look painted across the cat's face as he thought. "Well… we can give it a try. I'm… not sure if it will work however." The lamb nodded gently and moved their eyes directly into the forest beyond. "Meet me in the temple in about 30 minutes, it would be nicer to discuss this without possible hidden eyes watching us." They stood up and ran off to go help a member with a task, leaving Narinder alone to think. Which sibling would be the first attempt? What if they don't succeed?  Why wouldn't they all be angry with him?  They might not even remember him. But the grief of his past soon came flooding his memories. He missed them all greatly, but the one he missed most, Shamura. The god of war, they were the smartest of all the siblings, the one who had brought the idea of change upon Narinder's young mind, the one who had wished for him in chains after the fact.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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