Childhood Memories Chapter 1

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I remember my happy family when i was a kid , We're still complete and happily eating in the same table.

But all of that suddenly change when my Papa Jose started working far away from us.

When Papa Jose is away for work , Mama Nemi is also not at home to take care of me and my siblings. In short , Me and my siblings learn how to live without them. 

I was in kindergarten when my Auntie Lily started taking care of me and my siblings but there are times that me and my siblings are alone at home , Auntie Lily is the older sister of my Papa Jose. 

I remember that i was 5 years old when i started selling random things infront of the highschool building so that i have money to go to school in the morning. At that age i learned a lot of things just to survive. 

I have Lolo's and Lola's near our place but they are not that kind to take us in or take care of us , they are often mad when they see me or my siblings , but i never hate them because i am not that kind of person. 

One day when Mama Nemi and Papa Jose is away , My sister Je asked me to cook noodles for dinner and as a kid i said yes but i made a mistake and my sister Je got mad at it because i overcooked the noodles.

She took the pot of hot noodles and poured it in my head , i screamed in pain and i keep crying because some of my hair fell out and my face was hurting so much. My brother Jay can't do anything at that time coz his scared too. I never told my parents about it coz i am sure that they don't even care , At the age of 5 i started keeping secrets of abuse from everyone.

That was the first time i experienced abused as a kid...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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