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A/N: These will be an introduction to the characters. The Appearance is based off on the story cover. (Look at the book cover for reference)


Kiriya - The Future Leader

Appearance: Dark Blue hair, with red violet eyes that were like a cat's...

A cool and collected vampire who plays his cards close to his chest. Kiriya has connections throughout the underworld and is friends with influential people all over the globe.As the destined leader of the vampires, Kiriya's decisions will influence the course of history. Will Ichigo take his side, or choose another path?

Isamu - The Stubborn Fighter

Appearance: Long dark red hair that goes just below his neck but not quite to his shoulders, ruby red eyes that seemed to watch every move...

Brash and hotheaded, Isamu couldn't be more different to his companions.The rash and impetuous vampire often finds himself at the center of conflict, relying on his quick wits and athletic prowess to survive. With years of experience on the street, he's not the best equipped to deal with the underhanded machinations of the underworld elite, but in a fight, there's no one better to have by your side.Only Isamu knows the path he'll choose, but is Ichigo prepared to stand by his side and see where it leads?

Rintarou - The Free Spirit

Appearance: Bright Pink Hair that hold a carefree look to it, grey eyes that hold unknowing secrets...

His mischievous yet friendly exterior has given Rintarou a unique outlook on vampire society. A naturally carefree personality combined with a charm that belies his undead nature makes him irresistible company in a world of otherwise untrustworthy characters.
Yet behind his youthful good looks lies a wealth of knowledge accrued from years of astute observation, making it difficult to tell what his motivations really are...Can Ichigo help Rintarou navigate a middle ground between the contending factions of the vampiric underworld, or will you find yourself inevitably picking sides?

Ichigo - The Detective

Appearance: Dark Brown hair, with dark blue eyes glistening like the ocean...

The Main Character: Ichigo. Can sometimes be rash in decisions based on his emotions, but overall a precise thinker and thinks about his options. Can sometimes be quick to assume things but with evidence and trust he can overcome it. A person who wants to avenge his parents as well as his aunt who suffered injustice. What happens when he meets the vampires and how will their story affect him in the process? Will he stand by them as well as with their rules, or will he follow his own path?

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this little intro even tho it wasn't much...Stay tuned for the story :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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