Joy On Walton's Mountain

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In the autumn of 1969, Johnboy and Janet welcome twins and Elizabeth and Drew are getting married. Shortly after their engagement, John Walton passed away. The loss of Daddy leaves a huge whole in everyone's hearts, especially Olivia. Elizabeth feels guilty for spending so many years traveling the world when she could've married Drew years ago and had children. John will sadly not get to see Elizabeth and Drew marry and will not meet their children. John's passing is extremely hard on all the Walton's, Olivia is shattered and wouldn't have been able to hold herself together if it wasn't for her 7 adult children and loads of grandchildren.

"Momma, I miss Daddy so much. Why did he have to die?" Elizabeth asks emotionally. "I don't know baby, I'm absolutely shattered" said Olivia. Erin and Mary Ellen finish cleaning up the kitchen and walk into the living room to sit down with Elizabeth and Olivia. "I hope Daddy is with Grandpa right now, smiling and having a great time. He's in a better place now and is probably with him right this minute" Erin said. "I can picture the two of them right now, and I know they're watching over us" Mary Ellen tears up. "Daddy is never going to see my wedding, or my children" Elizabeth cries. Katie and Clay enter the room and go by their Momma. "Why do heart attacks exist?" Katie asked. Mary Ellen puts her arm around her and says "I don't know honey. I wish it didn't exist". Johnboy walks inside with Janet, holding their twin babies Jade and Justin. "Daddy had a heart attack just like Grandpa did. I hope it never happens to anyone else in this family" Johnboy says and wipes tears off his face. "One of the last things we did together was celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary" Olivia cries and Elizabeth hugs her. "I love you Momma, and I love you all so much. As hard as this is, I know we're going to be okay" Elizabeth says. Erin hugs Mary Ellen and Johnboy puts his arm around Janet and kisses the twins.

Later that fall, Elizabeth and Drew's wedding is coming up. The baby of the family is getting married. "I'm so excited and so nervous" Elizabeth says. Everyone is setting up decorations around the house for an early wedding party. The 6 other Walton kids arrive with their spouses and children, as well as lots of friends. Katie runs up to Elizabeth and says "Aunt Elizabeth! I'm so happy for you and I can't wait til you and Drew have a baby" Katie shouts excitedly. "Haha thanks Katie, I'm so nervous" Elizabeth replies. "Katie, they haven't even gotten married yet!" Mary Ellen says. Erin arrives with her children Susan, Amanda, and Peter. "Hi Grandma!" Susan says. "Oh hi darlings!" Olivia says. Ben and Cindy come join Jason, Toni, Mary Ellen, Erin, Johnboy, Janet and all their children and everyone else at the large table. They have a meal together and have a wonderful time.

The following weekend, Elizabeth and Drew got married. They are off to go on their honeymoon. "Bye Elizabeth! Bye Drew! We love you!" shouts all the grandchildren. "Have an amazing time! Love you!" says Olivia. Elizabeth and Drew spend a wonderful two weeks at Virginia Beach in a beautiful hotel. They discuss wanting to start a family soon.

Elizabeth and Drew arrive back home just in time for dinner with the family. Erin, Mary Ellen, Ben, Jimbob, Johnboy, Jason and the whole Walton clan are there. "Wow I'm so happy to see everybody here!" Elizabeth says. "Home sweet home" Drew says. "Alright children let's get seated around the table for dinner!" shouts Olivia. Elizabeth whispers in Erin's ear "I have amazing news to tell everyone!" "Oh I wonder what it is!" Erin whispers, "Shush! Don't tell yet!" Elizabeth says. "What are they whispering?" Clay asks. "I don't know. Why don't you help set the table" Mary Ellen says. The family eats dinner and enjoys a night together. "Everyone listen up! Elizabeth and Drew have something to say!" Erin shouts. Elizabeth and Drew look at each other smiling. "Well what is it?!" Jason asks. "Well what is it! What is it?" Tyler, his son asks. Elizabeth looks at everyone and clears her throat and says "We want to start a family!" Everyone screams in excitement and hugs each other. "Oh my lord I can't believe the baby of the family is soon going to be having a baby" Erin says excitedly. "Elizabeth having a baby, wow I'm so excited" Jimbob says. "I can't wait for you to have a baby!", shouts Amanda. "I hope it's a girl!" Susan says. "I hope it's a boy!" Roy says. "Me too!" Tyler replies. "No! A girl!" Katie shouts. "Alright children let's clear the table and wash some dishes. Time for your chores!" Olivia shouts. They all get up and help clean the kitchen and then go home. Olivia says "Bye my loves! See you later, love you all!" "Bye Grandma!" Katie replies.

Three months later, Elizabeth and Drew have been trying for a baby. They wonder why it's been taking so long. "I can't seem to get pregnant and I don't know why" Elizabeth tells Drew, "Let's go visit Momma." They go to the Walton house and see that Johnboy, Janet and the twins, as well as Erin, Mary Ellen, and their children are visiting. "Hi Momma" Elizabeth says when walking inside. "Oh Elizabeth what a surprise!" Olivia says and hugs her and Drew. "Hi Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Drew" all the grandchildren shout excitedly. "Hi Elizabeth!" Johnboy, Erin and Mary Ellen said. "I'm feeling a bit low. I need to talk to Momma" says Elizabeth. "Alright children go play outside!" Olivia shouts. "Oh why?" Katie, Susan, and Amanda asks. "Your aunt and I have to talk. It's important" Olivia replies. They then all go outside. "Momma, Drew and I have been trying and I haven't been able to get pregnant. I'm worried" Elizabeth tears up. "Oh Elizabeth, have you seen the doctor?" Olivia asks. "Yes, he says all is good, I'm worried though" "Well I'll say a prayer for you all tonight. I'm sure you will be a wonderful mother"

In early 1970, Elizabeth and Drew have still not been blessed with having their first child. They are looking into adopting a baby when suddenly Elizabeth began to feel ill. "Oh Drew! Come here!" Elizabeth shouts and says "I'm pregnant!" Drew replies "Oh baby, I'm so happy!". Elizabeth and Drew go and tell the wonderful news to the rest of the family. By the summer time, they welcome a baby girl to Walton's Mountain. Joy Olivia Cutler is born, named after Olivia's unborn child that was lost when Elizabeth was 7 years old. Elizabeth holding her baby in her arms, then gives her to Olivia and she cries tears of joy. The whole family is so happy to meet Joy and the Walton family is bigger than ever.

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