Safe Space

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You fell to your knees by the end of your bed, phone clutched to your chest, as your entire body began to shake from the uncontrollable sobs. You found out from a random girl that the guy you've been seeing for the past six months has been dating another girl behind your back.

"How could he? What did I do to deserve this? Why me?" You cried out, throwing your phone in anger. Your heart was absolutely broken. You began ripping up every letter, every picture. You threw every gift ever given to you, shattering them into pieces. Your sobs grew louder, causing Dean to walk into your room.

"Hey, Y/N, what's going on? What happened? Are you okay?" Concern and worry washing over his face. He looks around your room, noticing that everything involving Luke was gone or destroyed.

You sank back down to the floor, crying your heart out, your face in your hands, refusing to look at Dean. "I hate him! I hate him so much! How could he do this to me?!"

Dean sits beside you, resting his hand on your leg. "Sweetheart, what's going on?" His thumb gently rubbing your knee.

"Luke.. He's seeing someone else.. Has been for a while now.." You choked out between sobs.

Dean's face went from worry to anger in a matter of seconds. Clenching his jaw, he began talking through his teeth. "Where is he? He's gonna regret ever hurting you once I'm done with him!"

You grabbed his shirt as he tried to stand up, causing him to come back down to you. You looked up at him with tear filled eyes, your face puffy from crying. "Dean.. Why am I never enough.. Why does everyone leave me.."

Dean's expression softened, he didn't know what to tell you to make you feel better. He has always had feelings for you, ever since he met you five years ago. You were everything he could have ever wanted. He just always felt like he wasn't good enough for you, like you could do better.

He pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you tightly. You cried and cried until your voice was hoarse. He kissed your head and told you everything was going to be okay. He let you cry. He let you be vulnerable. He wanted to be your safe space.

When you finally calmed down enough, he lifted your chin and looked into your eyes. He spoke softly, almost as if he was speaking to himself, "Y/N, you have always been enough. More than enough. These stupid boys don't know how to treat you because they don't realize what they have. You're a catch, Y/N. You deserve nothing less than the entire world." His eyes squeezed shut for a moment, before looking away from you.

Tears began to well up in his eyes. "I would give you the entire world, the universe, and every single God damn star in the sky. I would continue to protect you with my life. I would love you like there's no tomorrow."

Your heart fluttered as those words came out of his mouth. There's no way Dean was in love with you. You never thought you had a chance in hell with him. So when you met Luke, you allowed yourself to get attached.

"I've loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you, Y/N. I always kept my distance because I never thought I would ever be good enough for you. I always thought someone else would give you a better chance of a happy life. And I wanted that for you. I knew Luke wasn't good for you, but you were happy so I didn't want to interfere. But now? Knowing that he's hurt you? I want to kick his teeth in."

You could see Dean start to get upset again over the fact someone had hurt you. You took his hand in yours and smiled softly, "Dean, he's not worth it. After what you just told me, he's not even a thought in my mind." You looked down as you felt the heat rise in your cheeks, "I always thought that I wasn't good enough for you. You bringing girls around, I just.. I thought you didn't look at me that way. I didn't want to embarrass myself by trying anything or asking. So, when I met Luke, I tried. I tried to be happy, and I was, but I would be so much happier with you. You've been my best friend for years, Dean. Who else could love me better? There's no one on this planet who could ever come close." You looked back up at him to see his freckle dusted face now flushed. He smiled affectionately at you as he intertwined his fingers with yours, his thumb caressing the back of yours ever so slightly.

"I love you, Dean." You grinned.

"I love you, Y/N." He beamed brightly.

Your lips collided like two planets, and it was everything you had ever hoped it would be. He stood up before pulling you to your feet, picking you up and spinning you around as he kissed you again and again. After putting you down, he smirked. "Get dressed, princess."

You gave him a puzzled look, "Why? Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you out on a date. Show you how a real man should treat you."

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