Chapter One

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         'Five more minutes' Tommy thought, the clock on the classroom wall ticking accordingly. He wasn't paying attention to the class being taught. He knew he'd regret it later, but he just needed to relax before he left school.

         It was Friday, meaning he didn't have to fo to bed early, meaning that he could eat later, meaning that he could text dadza and ask if he could come home later. Tommy clicked his pencil eraser on his papers, thinking about what he could do with his free time. 'Well, yesterday i was thinking about pulling out my new drone and flying it. . . yeah, I think it's in my locker. . . Lemme text him before I plan too far ahead though. . .'

         He was cautious and hid his phone out of view when he pulled it out to message Phil. 'Where's a good place to fly it. . .' The blonde considered a few options before deciding. 'The park, yeah, the one that's a couple blocks away from home. Plus, I doubt he'll say no to some alone time.'

         Tommy began typing out his request, cautious of not being seen by his teacher.

Dadza 👴


Peepaw philza

Dadza 👴
Aren't you supposed
to be learning right now??
Whaddya want child 👶

Can me go park after
school plz papa

It is very important to
me that you say yes


Also don't forget to do
the dishes.

It's your turn



Okay thx dadza

         After sending the last message the bell rang, Tommy taking the convenience well. He rushed off to his locker to grab his backpack. His locker smelled of pepperoni when he opened it, the reason probably being the slice of pizza on his locker's top shelf. He took a bite and swung the metal door shut.

         On his way out of the school building he shuffled through his bag in search of his drone. He found it and it's controller, grinning wildly in excitement. He soon stuffed it back in and walked around the corner past his middle school. Tommy pulled out his phone and let his thoughts carry him down the fresh sidewalk.

          He knew the high school was a couple blocks away, wary of getting attacked by his older twins. Wilbur and Techno were scary compared to Tommy. The boy was surprisingly tall for his age, but still lacked the muscle and meat that equaled a properly built body. Techno wad the scariest of the two, always being mellow until it went too far. Then, then he would pummel you to the ground like a flattened hamster. The thought of his and Techno's fights sent a chill down his spine.

          Wilbur, on the other hand, was always aggressive and annoying. Tommy knew he would never hurt him badly on purpose, but he always somehow did. One time Wil gave Tommy a black eye that lasted over a week. He remembered how sorrow Wilbur was after seeing how bad it was. Whispers of "I'm sorry" and "does it still hurt?" Were sent towards Tommy left and right from his older brother. Once it healed, though, things went back to normal and Wilbur left his depressive state behind. He loved his brothers to the very core and wouldn't trade the world for them. But, then again,  a new monitor doesn't sound too bad.

         The blonde giggled and pulled out his wireless earbuds from his pocket. Shoving one in his ear, he stopped scrolling through twitter and opened up spotify. He played his music and continued his journey.

         Tommy stopped when he noticed the park across the street. He looked both ways and crossed once the road was clear. The park seemed to be vacant at the time.

         A smile appeared on his pale face, his arm dropping the bag behind him. It hit the basketball court with a soft thud.

         He then let his feet slip below him, landing him in a crisscross sitting position.
Eventually, after a minute of unzipping and unboxing, Toms got his new drone prepped and ready for take off.

         Once the small drone lifted, Tommy did too. He stood to keep sight of the buzzing drone without getting blinded by the sun.

         The drone buzzed over the hoops and drooped around a slide on the playground. It then swayed above the swing set and through a giant tire embedded in the ground. Tommy giggled as he made it go around and round in loops. His fingers were almost maneuvering the drone instinctively.

         But then Tommy felt a pinch on his exposed ankle. He seethed through his teeth before looking away from his moving drone to scratch the bug bite. He itched at it aggressively with one hand, the other, unknowingly pressing the buttons upon the controller.
He wasn't paying attention at all to the swiftly swaying drone and didn't notice when the drone slipped around and caught the same direction as an approaching skateboarder.

"Ow, shit!"

Rat bois || Tommyinnit x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now