Chapter 01

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Life does not always go as you want it to. Life is fated, some say. But I believe I have been living so many other different life times... Sometimes I feel so tired. I think I always wanna know when it's all going to end.

I'm a teacher. A school teacher, to be exact. I teach at an International School. For some reason, when I see the children, all my doubts and worries vanish away.

Therefore I go to school every day. Haha...

It was one morning all the things changed. It was within one moment. One moment and everything changed... Everything in my very existence turned upside down.

The sun was shining bright that day morning already. The air was warm too... I was walking to school. The streets were pretty busy at this time in the morning. So I take extra care when walking. I always try to stick to road rules and adhere to regulations. I'm responsible for my life. If I teach children how to be responsible, I had to lead by example...


Remember I said life is fated? Yeah, what happened that morning could be my fate or my worst nightmare... But what do you know... it was all a disaster, in my opinion. I was walking, paying attention to where I'm going... But maybe that was my mistake. That was not what I should have done. Maybe that's not what I must think now. What I must think now was how do I get out of this nightmare... How do I escape this thing.. I'm stuck in.. This new world that I don't want to be in... How do I go back to where I was...? How.... How...?...

I was walking when the vehicle came at me.

I was walking when the vehicle hit me.

I was walking when everything suddenly stopped and went dark!

I suddenly opened my eyes. The same events keep replaying in my mind over, and over, and over again.

What is going on?!

What's happening!?!

Why am I in shock...?

Where am I?....

Questions keep flooding my mind. My head was aching. Something was seriously wrong.

I kept breathing fast. Something wasn't totally right. Something..... something was missing...

what...? What was missing......?


"Miss..., miss...." A gentle voice was calling me. And I felt a tiny tap on my shoulder...

I turned.. a girl in a simple outfit and pleasant look was staring at me. She seemed concerned. Well damn it.. I'm concerned, too... Who is she? Who am I?

"Miss, are you okay? You were talking in your sleep. It's quite late now... Almost lunch time.. The General left early today..." She kept talking in a gentle yet in a happy tone. What general? Who's the general?

Well, things became worse when I got down from the bed and walked towards the mirror. I started to notice the things around me. The bed.. all white sheets and lace drapings.. exquisitely carved headboard of the bed was not mine.. this bed was NOT mine... the room was comfortable and luxurious.

I come from a normal family... I still lived with my parents... The next thing I noticed was the window... Out of the window, the view was beautiful.

A meadow full of grass and flowers. The view was breathtaking. I felt a sense of de ja vu. Like I have lived here.. I knew this place. I have seen it or imagined it.

But how am I here now?

So many questions started to flood my mind. But I can not panic. I needed to stay calm. I had to think. The first thing to do was to explore and figure out where I am...

So after I made up my mind, I decided to take one step at a time...


The girl kept staring at me. I understood that I had to play along with her. So I did exactly as she told me. If there's one thing being a teacher had taught me, it was that always listen to children and people. And they will drop their walls immediately. She helped me to take a bath and get dressed. Then she combed my hair. For once, I was happy to be taken care of. And she was careful with everything she did. When she was satisfied, she left telling me to come down in order to eat.

After the girl left, I walked slowly out of my room. The door opened to an elegant looking hallway. It was beautiful....

My mind started thinking. What happened?  I was walking to school. Then I was hit by a vehicle.. I'm sure of it. So what, then?..... Did I jump timelines? Did I change and come into another parallel dimension?

Oh my God.!  Am I dead????.... and now I'm in heaven... Hold on... this couldn't possibly be heaven... right...?

While all these thoughts were running a muck inside my mind..., I walked through the hallway and eventually came to a staircase. I looked around. The railing was all wood and expertly carved. I walked down... it stopped at a landing that joined another wing of the house..  It was actually a mansion..... I must have been in the West wing or the East... Who knows.. Sense of direction was lost to me now anyway.

A well-dressed, an aged man appeared at the bottom of the staircase. "Madam, we have heated your breakfast. Let me take you. You have to take your medicine too.." he smiled gently. But he looked wary of me.

He looked pleasant but worried at the same time.... Maybe it was the thought of thinking I would run away.... I'm not that naive. I needed to know all the details before I take action....

I slowly climbed down the rest of the stairs and walked over to him. Then he turned and led the way. We came to a heavy looking set of double doors,  which he opened with such grace.

The elegance inside the room took my breath away...

I was taken to a seat. After I sat down, I was served with a soup in a bowl and some bread, boiled eggs, and bacon on a plate. A glass of fresh juice was kept in front of me.. I looked at the butler.. I knew he was the butler without even an introduction.

"Can I get a glass of milk?"... the old man gave me a weird look. And flipped his hand. Another maid appeared with a glass of warm milk. I took it to my hands the moment it was placed in front of me and drank half of it quickly.

After breakfast, I stood up and started to walk out. Surprisingly.....,


Because I knew that someone would follow me. But no one did....  why??.... They were supposed to keep an eye on me...!!.. Right....?

Maybe I'm wrong.

But why would they drop their guard around me so fast? Am I that familiar to them. But it was not the same for me.. I don't know any of them. Better yet, remember any one of them...


Why was no one following me...?

Out of curiosity, I turned and looked around.

Then I felt it. I felt someone watching me. But I couldn't see the person. There was no one around. But that constant feeling never went away....

So, I turned back and walked towards the large double doors in the entrance hall. I tried to open the door. But it seemed heavy and not moving. I tried a few more times.. but it did not budge. So I gave up.

Then I turned around and walked towards the left side.... I can see a lot of sunlight from that direction. So I knew there was something I could indulge myself in or maybe even find a way to see the outside.

The moment I walked in, I knew it was a ballroom... Beautiful and intricate artwork adorned the ceiling and walls. A grand piano was at the other end of the room. The floor to ceiling windows were so grand. What was even more beautiful was the view from those windows... Outside was so mesmerising. A garden full of flowers....

I walked towards a window and stood silently watching.

I felt someone was watching me as well..... I got a weird feeling that I might not get out... but I might live and die here...

Why did I also feel like I belonged here?....

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