Part 1

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You are siting on one of the blue chairs in the hospital waiting room. You are sitting with your head down looking at your blood stained hands thinking of the event that happened a few hours ago.

You and your mom were on your way back home from a nice dinner out. You guys were singing to one of your favourite songs on the radio until a car that came out of no where hit the left side of the car leaving you unconscious. When you awoke you were surrounded by red and blue lights. You and your mom were taken by an ambulance. You were lying in a bed next to your mom and when you looked you wish you could've forgotten the sight of the blood and wounds covering her.

You glanced up at the clock that read 11:30 pm. You had called your boyfriend Stiles half an hour ago to come get you because you didn't want to see anyone else at this moment. You needed him. He seemed to be with the rest of the pack but when you explained what happened he started to panic and said he would come straight to the hospital. You then looked back down at your hands.
"Y/N!" You heard Stiles shout as he came through the set of doors in the corridor.
You didn't look a way from your hands.
"Y/N?" He whispered and grabbed your arm gently.
You still didn't take your eyes off your hands.
He then grabbed your hands and let out a small gasp at the blood stains. He looked up at you and pulled your chin to look at him. He saw the cuts on your face and you pulled your face away looking away from. You started to tremble and you stood up. As you stood you started to shake. Stiles noticed this as he wrapped an arm around your waist. You couldn't control your self any longer as you broke down and Stiles pulled you into his embrace not saying anything. You held onto him tight as more tear fell from your eyes. After a few minutes you pulled back finally looked at him.
"Sorry." You said.
"Hey, there's nothing to be sorry for." He replied caressing your face and wiping the remaining tears away.
"The nurse said that my mom is in a bad way. She's in surgery now."
"I'm sure she is gonna be okay. She is a fight like you."
This caused you to smile a bit.
"You wanna stay with me tonight? My dad said you could." He said.
"Yes please, I don't want to be along tonight." You answered.
He smiled at you and you both made your way to Stiles' jeep. You both got in the jeep and Stiles drove to his house. You didn't say a word during the drive and neither did Stiles. You both knew that you didn't want to talk.

A Stiles Stilinski ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now