The Final Goodbye

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Hello, many of you know me as dallas1213 but from now on I want you to know me as my penname, Grace Green. And to be honest I don't even know how to begin this message but I'm going to do my best to explain the reasoning behind why I am saying fairwell to publishing on this account and writing paranormal. 

But first let's dive into a little back story:

I grew up in a half-Christian and half-catholic household, (but the part of my family that was catholic, they were not practicing it) And I went to church every Sunday in a cute little dress. At night I would get on my knees and pray with the rest of my family but to me it was just something I needed to do before I could go to sleep, I was really just going through the motions. I dreaded Sunday mornings because it meant I couldn't sleep in, play outside longer, and I would have to waste an hour of my time sitting through a service I didn't understand. As I grew up, I drifted farer away from God while my family grew closer to Him. I felt like my family was on a large ship sailing through calm waters towards a promise land rather as I felt like I was on a mere raft amongst crashing waves, and I was being pushed into a storm. For years I claimed to be a Christian, but I allowed dust to settle on my bible and I lived a worldly life. One that glorified my flesh and not God. It wasn't until I was fifteen that I found God and truly had my heart set on fire for Him. But as life would have it I went through a period where I was depressed and so angry at the world and even God at times. Then at the age of sixteen, (my relationship was still rocky with God at this point, but I was somewhat in denial about it) I met a boy, (for the sake of it I'll call Liam, fake name) Liam was the son of parents who held high positions in a bigger church which I didn't attend due to it being quite far away from where I reside at. Just turning sixteen and having a heart ready to experience life at it's greatest, I went against my better judgment and dated Liam. The first few months were like a dream come true, I felt as if we were long-lost best friends. Every cringe worthy pick-up line or sappy love phrase that you hear in a teenage romance sit-com, Liam said to me, and I said to him. But after many months our relationship began to crumble as we had not built our foundation on God but on what we believed should take God's place. And God opened my eyes to how emotionally abusive and toxic Liam was, so I ended it which threw me into a downward spiral of dark depression. For months there were times where I cried throughout the entire day. My mind blacked-out most of those months and the only time I remember speaking with God was when I was begging Him to make me numb so at least then I wouldn't feel anything. But when I turned seventeen, I began to explore something I'd been wanting to try for years...writing Christian Romance. The first book I wrote was a new challenge one I never had before. It wasn't until weeks after I began writing 'Rowan' that I met yet another boy, (For the sake of the story I shall call him Miles, fake name) I met Miles while facing and overcoming one of my fears, thalassophobia. He was different from Liam and in an almost good way. But unlike Liam, Miles was open about the fact his relationship with God was not great and he wasn't really do anything about it. And so, I friend-zoned him, but as the months went on and we talked everyday feelings started to grow, but once again this hopeful love story was quick to begin and even quicker to end. But I will thank Miles even if I cannot say it to him as of right now, for he in a way he didn't even realize, he helped me get back my fire for God and he gave me the courage to create my second account on here. My second account TheChristianPrincess is souly for faith-based books. And even though Miles is no longer in my life, my passion and fire for God is burning hotter than ever. 

What is going to happen to this account now?:

This account is not being deleted or abandoned! So, for y'all who might have been concerned don't be. What I am doing with this account is using it as a backup account and replacing this account as my main account with my second account TheChristianPrincess. I will try to login in daily to check notifications and post bible verses and such. Additionally, my commitment is to remove serval of my books as they are filled with sinful things, and I feel like a foolish person to preach one thing but then have books that support what I am preaching against.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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