Chapter 1

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Denis pov: It was like any other day I just finished making a video, I decided to go and watch tv, while watching tv I heard my phone ring I picked up my phone to see who texted me and it was albert his text said "Hay denis! Was just wondering if you want to come over am bored😒 and everyone is busy so your really my only hope." I didn't really come to alberts house that much and I wasn't busy today so I could come I texted back "yea sure I don't mind I'll come rn" After that I turned off my tv and and got my shoes and said by to sir meows alot, I got in the car driving to alberts house. It takes like 20 minutes to get there so while I wait I thought about stuff. I thought about getting a new cat and video ideas and... Albert... Albert is always filled with life and he's always caring. AND HOLLY CRAP HES HOT!... But I bet he doesn't like me back... oh am here.

No ones pov: Denis got out of the car and opened the door to alberts house. Hay Albert! Hay denis! Denis walked in and looked around. You really changed the place yep! Make yourself at home am going to make noodles denis sat down and turned on the tv and found spongbob. When done making the dinner Albert was very dirty and went upstairs to clean himself. Denis didn't know Albert went upstairs and actually he didn't know Albert went to go change, Denis decided to look for Albert he went upstairs and looked in every room and finally found Albert. But he was shirtless, O-oh umm uhh denis was blushing am so very sorry *he closes the door* Albert turn back to the mirror and blushed. He quickly putted on his new shirt and walked out the door

Alberts pov: As I walked out the door trying to forget what just happened, As I looked at him I became flustered s-so why were you in my room? Uh...well I couldn't find you so I tried looking for you and...yeah, I could see he was blushing to. Wait dose he- no... Probably not not.. He's probably just embarrassed...

No ones pov: Both sat down and ate dinner wow this is good! Why thank you I put my heart and soul into this, There was a awkward silence for a while. So umm...denis how's life?'s alright ig, what about you? It's good it's good...

Alberts pov: I didn't really know what else to say. But then denis got up and and put the plate in the  sink. I finished to and put the plate in the sink. We were bored so we decided to watch spongebob. So we're here sitting next to each other it felt kind of romantic some how. I tried not to look at denis.

Denis pov: I got kind of bored watching spongebob so I ask albert if I could change it. While I was asking him I could see that Alberts face was red. Geez albert your face is red as a tomato. Shit really? Yeah *I say while laughing* *Albert letting out a little chuckle and said "it's probably the weather or something I mean we are in July rn"* but yeah I can change it *albert put a Christmas story on* while we were watching it I could see that albert look stressed and looked sad at the same time. Ok now am concerned. I ask him if he was ok and he said yea am ok.... I made him face me and I said albert please tell me.. I know your not ok.. I could see some tears at the corner of his eyes. And then it all burst out. I ALWAYS LIKE YOU OK!? I ALWAYS HAD A CRUSH ON YOU!! 

(Geez what kind of drugs was I on when making this?)

Then albert covers his mouth... a-am sorry denis I-I.... Before he could say anything else I held his hands and said I like you to. In my mind I was fucking losing it! My crush!!! My fucking crush!! He actually likes me back! Never not even in a million years I would think that he would like me back! Anyways after I told him that he hugged me and I saw a glimpse of his face and he was steaming red. I kissed him on the forehead.

Alberts pov: I didn't know what to do I was heavily flustered. Then denis lifted my hair and kissed my forehead. That Son of a bitch I was just completely helpless so I just told him to go fuck himself.

Denis pov: as he said that I knew I had a opportunity. Nah it would be more fun if I fucked you~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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