Start! (I'm Back Mother Fucker!)

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Hellloooo, this is a story made me and my friends Teria sora (@Saiharamoura-mouchi) and HornyBitxch (@BonniefanGalXD)! And is a remixe of HB's dream, it's been like a year and a few months so I don't know if she still does it but she makes pørn n' shit so only go to HorryBitxch if your into that. help <:), any who, this has very very big amount of gore in it so if your a snowflake leave you can not be here, not really but your gonna yell at us if I don't put this here so with that being said the warnings are down below.

Ps. The snowflake comment was not my idea.

⚠ Warning⚠





•Mangled body


•Curses (like a lot of them)

•Mentoned torture



•Bad English (which is odd cuz it's the only language I know aside from a hand full of Spanish words.)


Okay, kinda forgot to mention that I'm in the mist of writing this, like rewriting it, so I don't know if I'm just gonna put the old stuff back and leave this up for comparison or if I'll actually go and you know. Rewrite the whole thing on this, but I think I will actually make a new one and put all this old shit back. And if the video shows up just uh... Don't, don't worry bout that.. I just found it so I kinda just put it there, it's really weird.

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