Sunsets and smores

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                        song for this chapter:                               Perfect by Ed Sheeran

If I had to describe my best friend Tyler to people, I would probably say that he was kind,loyal, and overall the best friend ever.

But if I had to describe him to myself, I would say he was cute, hot, and basically the cutest person I've ever seen.

I've had a crush on my childhood best friend for years and have never really told anyone about it.

Don't get me wrong, everyone knew I was gay.

It's not like I really had the nerve to tell them, but I guess they just kind of sensed it in me.

If a person can even do that.

My mother supported me through the good times and the bad times.

For example, when I came out to my old friends and they abandoned me.

But my dad was another story.

I never met him.

He abandoned me and my mom when we were at our worst, and for that, I will never forgive him.

It's not like I personally knew the guy because I was 3 at the time, but he was still my dad.

I found out later from my mom that the reason he left was because he was cheating on my mom with several different women, and she eventually found out and kicked him out.

We never saw him again after that.

I sometimes wished he would have just stopped cheating on my mom and just stayed in my life.

I know he was a bad person to have in my life because he was also really physically and verbally abusive to me when I was younger but at the time I never really knew what any of the things he was saying meant so I just shrugged it off.

But in time, as I relived some of those memories, I couldn't believe a father could treat their son that horrible.

Weren't fathers supposed to be nice to their kids, or is that just me?

Honestly, I don't know what's really true anymore but I do know 1 single thing that is true and that is that I have the biggest fucking crush on Tyler.

As I stare at him from the other end of the canopy, butterflies start to form in my stomach, and I start blushing hard-core just looking at him but I quickly look away as he turns my way.

He sits up slowly, accidently resting his hand on my thigh, which weirdly turns me on but I guess he didn't notice because he didn't take his hand off my thigh as he began to lay back down.

I slowly sit up after that, trying to breathe and say "Hey I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick."

Before I could hear what he said, I was already running in his house, trying to find the bathroom.

When I eventually found it I went inside and locked the door.

I slowly slid against the bathroom door until my but hit the ground.

I sat there for a few minutes in pain but slowly slid my pants down and fixed the erection I had.

When I was done doing my business, I just stayed lying against the door, thinking about Tyler for a while when I suddenly heard a nock.

I slowly sat up and said, "Who is it?"

From the other side of the door, Tyler said. "Hey man, I was wondering if you were okay."

I slowly stood up and said,"Yep, just fine!" I then proceeded to open the door to reveal the gorgeous as always Tyler standing right in front of me.

For a second, I forgot how to talk and breathe.

We kind of just stood there and stared at each other, but then he asked "Hey I was wondering if you would come hang out with me in the backyard, I got smores!"

I quickly got my hair looking good and walked out of the bathroom to see Tyler just staring at me again, which was really awkward, but then I said "Well if there's smores, im in!"

He smiled and then said,"I knew you would say yes if I said there were smores!"

We then walked to the kitchen and grabbed all the ingredients for smores, and headed outside.

Once Tyler's father helped us set up the bonfire, we were finally ready to make our smores.

We did try to hurry because the sun was about to set, so we wanted to just watch it set, which is something we have been doing together for a while.

Tyler quickly got a blanket and put it close to the bonfire so we could make smores and watch the sunset at the same time.

Once we were finally settled in, we started talking about a bunch of random things.

We eventually looked up to see the sky look like a beautiful rainbow.

I slowly laid down on the blanket, and soon after, Tyler followed.

I guess I wasn't thinking at the moment and decided to make a bold move.

I slowly slid my hand closer to Tyler's until my hand was on top of his.

He looked up at me slowly, and he looked a little flustered, but slowly, the redness on his face began to disappear, and he squeezed my hand.

I can not tell you how happy that made me.

Before I could think, I also squeezed his hand harder.

He then looked at me and smiled.

He smiled!

I felt like my stomach was exploding with butterflies in that moment as we both were laying down on the blanket eating smores and watching the sunset until it slowly faded away and we were met with the black sky night and the stars shinning bright above us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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