완벽보다 완벽한 피사체

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"We're running late again." The voice that resonated throughout the vehicle says, yet the person the voice tries to reach seems to not care— staring out of the window and not looking back.

The eyes of the driver from the mirror were on him and Yeosang can feel that. He stayed silent for a bit, but the urge to talk back won over him.

"An idol like me needs his nutrients, Jongho. What if my body suddenly declines because I don't receive enough vitamins?"

The driver sighed and shook his head. It's starting again; the crown prince's daily debates.

"You didn't need to eat your grapes like a vacuum cleaner. Eat them one at a time. The king and queen wouldn't like to hear about me trying to help you get the stuck grape from your throat and ten minutes of you trying to spit it out."

Yeosang was silenced. Maybe Jongho did have a point (he did). The grapes were tasty and he just can't help it. He thought it'll speed things up but that just added ten minutes of agony for him and his bodyguard.

"When we reach the studio, immediately talk to your manager. As an idol you should keep in contact with your manager."

"But I have you!"

"Between the two of us, the working idol is you, your highness."

"Then join our agency and work as an idol too. You have a good voice. Not just good, great, even!"

Jongho once again shook his head, the car turning around as he carefully slid in between the rows of cars parked. "I cannot focus on being a bodyguard for you if I worked as an idol. Besides, dealing with you is already a headache, what more if I interact with other people?"

"You're mean, Jongho. You wound me!"

"Let's go inside the studio, your highness."

Jongho works as a bodyguard of the royal family's only son— Kang Yeosang. Kang Yeosang who was somehow allowed to be an idol by his family regardless of the fact he has to take the throne in the following decades.

He doesn't have any complaint aside from the person he works for, there's nothing more.

The idol slash crown prince of Korea, Kang Yeosang was something he didn't expect when the majesties told him he's going to guard him.

He became a personal assistant. Instead of the guarding duties like making sure he gets to work securely and protecting him from the spies and such from other kingdoms, he did different works from that.

He wakes up his highness from sleep when he forgets a schedule, he became a personal chef, and he even does more work than Yeosang's manager does.

It's not that Jongho disliked his job— he doesn't like nor dislike it. Somewhere in between, maybe. He receives a good pay, good food and enough resting time (maybe not).

But he's fine with that, as long as he gets paid and he knows that the crown prince isn't that bad.

"Oh, sorry about the tardiness. Jongho still saved me from choking on grapes I ate like a vacuum cleaner."

The crown prince isn't that bad. He isn't and Jongho had to tell himself that repeatedly but that was just unnecessary. He didn't have to tell them about that, who knows who might start gossip about it.

Waking up to the headline, "The Idol and Crown Prince Kang Yeosang Eats Grapes Like a Vacuum Cleaner" isn't really ideal.

"Excuse me," he finally interferes with Yeosang's conversation with his manager, "I think the photographer is getting restless. Shall we start the shoot already?"

"Oh, alright. Your highness, please proceed to the make-up artists. We'll prepare your clothes." his manager said to which Yeosang responded with a nod.

As Jongho watched Yeosang's manager's silhouette fade, Yeosang still stood beside him. "I'm sure the make-up artists are waiting for you."

Yeosang smiled and nodded, "I know. Anyway, let's get a very late lunch after this? I think it'll be wrapped up by two."

"Whatever you like, your highness."

"Alright. See you!"

While Yeosang entered the make-up room, Jongho made his way by the set where a lot of people were moving around, some were yelling and some were moving things.

As usual, Jongho stood just by the lights of the background where Yeosang's photo shoot will take place. Soon enough, Yeosang entered the scene looking like a god and if Jongho didn't know better, he might've started staring like the staffs did.

(Only if they knew how much of a headache the prince is.)

It always started like that. The photographer instructed a thing or two and Yeosang did the magic. Yeosang managed to make the clothes shine and the make-up prettier.

Yeosang is an ethereal being; someone that could literally be called a star. No wonder he's popular with ladies and gentlemen. Jongho could acknowledge that.

Yeosang does possess high quality features. Looks, talents— everything. Yeosang is perfect in everyone's eyes.

It seemed that with every pose he does, the camera surely does it thing and the pictures absolutely turn great— no second takes and the photographer knows that too.

A perfect example of a celebrity. Flawless and always composed.

But then, Jongho sees Yeosang in a different angle. He has the privilege to see Yeosang in a different angle, away from other's lenses. He gets to see the real deal everyday.

Yeosang whom the camera can't capture perfectly. No matter how high quality the cameras might claim, under Jongho's gaze, Yeosang always seemed to look better.

Jongho gets to hear melodies different from the songs Yeosang releases. He gets to hear the prince's unfabricated laugh when the cameras aren't on him. He gets to hear the prince's worries that he hides even from the king and queen.

It's a privilege only he has. A privilege that even Yeosang's parents might want. A privilege that everyone wants and Jongho has that.

And maybe Jongho does like his job.

Maybe he likes the nights where Yeosang's schedule finishes late in the night and on the way to his bedroom, Jongho gets dragged onto the bed because Yeosang is too tired to move, so was he.

Maybe he likes the mornings where he gets to see Yeosang's peaceful face while sleeping, five minutes before he remembers they have a schedule. And then, he'll endure another ten minutes of headache because Yeosang doesn't want to get up.

Maybe he likes the afternoons where Yeosang doesn't have a schedule and they'd visit the palace. Then they'll eat snacks together in the garden while Yeosang tries to drag Jongho off his works to watch movies.

Maybe he likes his job more than he thinks.

"Yo, Jongho! Earth to Jongho! Hello?" the prince beams in front of him. Jongho finally snapped out of his thoughts and found Yeosang finally off his work clothes. He already wore back his comfortable clothes and his make-up was off.

The day's finally over.

"I'm sorry, I thought we'd finish by two. It's already six, let's go have dinner instead?"

Jongho nods, "Sure, your highness."

Yeosang smiles and grabs Jongho's wrist to get out of that building immediately. And of course, Jongho just lets him.

And maybe Jongho likes Yeosang more than he's supposed to.

완벽보다 완벽한 피사체— a subject perfect than perfection itself.

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