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It was an average day in morioh as yoshikage kira tended to his beloved severed hand. "would you like some breakfast my dea-" kira says before he gets frightened my the door slamming, causing him to drop the eggs and sausage he was cooking. A tall, pink haired man stomps angrily as he enters the kitchen to see kira talking to the severed hand. "what do you think youre doing?!" the man says. The short blonde looks up "please diavolo its not what it looks like...!"

Diavolo looks down on kira, which makes the blonde feel a certain way. "...diavolo." kira says before getting slapped by the mafioso. Diavolo grabs kiras throat and looks at him. "i didnt give you permission to speak." he says, glaring at kira. Kira looks back with desire in his eyes. "...h-h-arder!" kira says, out of breath. Diavolo grabs harder which makes kira moan loudly. "..what did i say about speaking out of term?" kira pants, attempting to catch his breath. "youre gonna receive punishment for that." diavolo says. Those words...hearing them had made kira come in his pants.

Diavolo releases his chokehold and pushes kira up against the kitchen wall. Kira whimpers as he looks away from the man. Diavolo picks up the sausage and forces it into kiras tight ass. "..fuck!!" Kira moans in pleasure. "you seem to be enjoying this." diavolo says as lifts kiras chin and their lips meet, having a passionate yet sloppy kiss. Diavolo shoved his tounge down kiras throat, making him moan. He breaks off the kiss and kira looks up at him. Diavolo starts licking kiras face and kira pushes him away. "what the hell are you doing?!" kira says. "woof!" diavolo goes, as if he were a dog.

Kira wakes up to a dog licking his face. It turns out that he had fallen asleep in the park. "w-why was i dreaming of that?! i dont even know who that man was!" kira thought to himself. "woof woof!" the dog barks as it runs off with kiras paper bag that contained his beloved hand. "hey! where do you think youre going with MY bag?!" kira attempts to stand and notices that he had a boner.

"...damn it! that stupid wet dream..."

yoshikage kiras strange dreamWhere stories live. Discover now