Temporary antidotes and kidnapping KID's

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Ran was going to kill her. It was official. Shinichi was a dead women. As Conan, she couldn't exactly call her all the time, so now that she's back, even if temporarily.. she's most likely going to be demanding answers. If was very much like her to do so. And Shinichi wasn't sure she wanted to face her karate.

"I'm so dead.. so so very dead." And she proceeded to mutter it until she got to the heist location, where she knew Sonoko had dragged her best friend. Maybe Lady Luck would favor her for tonight and Ran wouldn't see her.. hopefully. Lady Luck wasn't always on her side.

Thankfully, Haibara, the demon child (or woman technically) as Shinichi put it, had come up with a temporary antidote that would most likely last her at least three days, given her bad luck didn't interfere. Which it usually did. Getting back to the antidote though- the side effects were rather nasty. That is, if you count looking extremely malnourished and had fussy red nail scars from where you clawed at yourself during the transformation.

She didn't know it was possible to get that painful during the transfiguration. The previous 'temporary antidotes' did not hurt that much! Eventually Haibara strapped her hands down because she was afflicting self harm with her nails. Another side effect- A good one, mind you, was her hair grew back out, and it's never been softer. Like silk, Haibara had commented.

The best effect would be her being simply her. She was no longer a cross dressing eight year old and no longer had worries at the moment. Well, besides hiding from a huge organization that wouldn't blink an eye at blowing someone up. But hey! Think positive. Be optimistic. All that jazz~

Pulling her hood down further, Shinichi made her way into the building, being careful not to let the fans outside break her very fragile body. They could be rough sometimes and she was in no position to take a direct blow. She then proceeded to walk up to Nakamori-Keibu's loud self and explain she was a detective. It took a lot of explaining, convincing, and cheek pulling to finally understand she was here to catch that darn, elusive thief.

There she used her wits to help the Police Task Force solve any unsolved questions with the Heist notes. It worried her slight, about how all of Japan's police we're idiots. Seriously, she knew why Kaito KID got so bored easily. Even when she was in the state of a cross-dressing eight year old, she was more of a challenge. But that's why they're rivals, she supposed.

But now she would be facing him a Shinichi. Kudo Shinichi, high school detective. Female her. Not boy Conan, her. Female Shinichi. The one he had met at the clock tower, and had foiled his plans of stealing the hands, yet he still heroically saved the clock tower from being teared down. For a thief, he was a pretty nice guy. He even jumped out of a air blimp to save her.

Enough about that though. She wasn't here to save him, she was here to catch him. Not to mention she'd like some time off from homicide cases. KID's heist were a stress reliever for those. But ah - speak of the devil and he shall come. The power cut- and turned back on to reveal KID seeminly standing over the air of the display case of his current target - Midnight's Blue Sapphire.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentleman, to a truly magical night!" The thief started with his trademark smirk, eying the crowd before frowning slightly. He must not have seen Shinichi's alter ego and was disappointed, or was that sad? Well, oh well buddy, you're stuck with the grown version tonight.

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