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(( Let's be clear here,the reader can transform any of her body parts into metal or a kind of blade))

The little girl sat on her bed, staring at that rising sun from her window....beauty..It was absolutely beautiful._____ sighed lightly and stood up, using her fingers as a comb by running it through her tangled_h/c_hair.

It was 4:55 in the morning, she was tired, cranky and hungry.

____ opened her greyish door, popping her head out before exiting the room completely.With bare feet, she tip toed over to the elevator, a flashlight tightly placed within her hand.Once she reached the machine,the girl quickly pressed the 'down ' button and carefully skipped inside the elevator, humming a song she had learned a few days ago.

——-TIMESKIP brought to you by a Telepath named Charles.——-

There you were, peeking at a cereal box from behind the kitchen counter.


This was basically the reason why you planned to wake up so early in the morning.You haven't tried it yet...in fact you were dying to savour the taste it seems to have.SWEETNESS.Uncle Tony had bought you this and ordered you not to try it till the following day WITH their permission.

"Screw that...."

You mumbled under your breathe as your creeped over to the box and began to open it with your metal finger.You smacked your lips.

"Yummy Yum , Yum~!"

————TimeSkip brought to you by a laughing Frenchman.. OHONHON~———

It was 5:00 am, you were sitting on one of Tony's bar chairs,cereal crumbs all over your pinkish cheeks and mouth.

"And what is this child doing up so late in the morning?...With multiple coloured crumbs on her cheeks? "

A soothing British voice popped out of the silence.You didn't even need to turn and look at the owner of the voice to see who it is.You stuffed another handful of cereal into your mouth, maintaining your serious expression.

" Why, this is a crime!"

You shouted out sarcastically, some bits of food spewing out of your tiny mouth.Loki shuddered, rolling his eyes as he teleported beside you.

"You do know that you are not permitted to eat that treat till tomorrow."

You furrowed your eyebrows and turned to look at him.

" News flash! It is tomorrow!"

Crumbs flew onto his face.He frowned and wiped it off.

"Well you do not have permission therefore you-"

"You're the one who's standing in front of me doing nothing as I eat this cereal...which I'm not supposed to eat."

The Demi-god grew silent.

"....You are quite rude for a nine year old... but then again, anyone can be rude at any age."

You didn't answer him, too concentrated on munching on your food.

"...____, if it's not a bother, may I have some of your treats?"


He frowned.

" I am quite hungry, may I please-"




" Listen here, _____, I am an adult and I have every rite to lecture you about this!"

You didn't respond so he decided to push on further.

"Now, I find this a tad bit stupid and slightly childish though since this is a Midguardian saying I shall use it on a Midguardian Child like you....Sharing is Caring!"

You threw the cereal onto the table and poked his nose harshly.

"But I don't care."

You whispered before walking over to the elevator in a sassy manner.Loki sat there......stunned...after he recovered from the burn on his heart he sighed.

"I can settle on seeing the bright side of this argument...She finally put down the treat.."

Loki got up, took the box of cereal and stared at it.


He turned to his right to see Tony, a mug in his hand and a blue robe wrapped around his naked body....ahem ahem...

" No I haven't!!"

" Reindeer Games, I know that that little girl does not wake up early in the morning, plus you have crumbs all over your face and shirt....Oh yes, did I mention about the opened box in your hand?"

" She ate it."

" Then explain everything I just said earlier!...Just share the truth!"

"Sharing is caring, I must say.But unfortunately I don't care."

Loki smiled, blooped his nose and walked towards the elevator in a sassy manner.

"Damnit Loki...."


Hey guys! I'll be making more funny chapters ya'll.

This idea came from a vine I saw! The dad was asking a girl for some cereal and she was like " But I don't care."

Thanks for reading!

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