Cricket Pester - Character Information

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Full Name: Cricket Petula Pester

Gender: Female

Species: Fairy

Age: 6

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde Yellow

Home: Piñata Island

Alignment: Good, (Secret Pure Evil To Paulie and Fergy).

Main Hobby/Job's: Butterbean's Cafe,

Co-Manager of Pinata Central,

Role's: The Main antagonist to Paulie and Fergy, Co-Manager of Pinata Central, Launching piñatas, Catching Fergy and Paulie and sending them into a party, as a Villain to Paulie Pretztail and Fergy Fudgehog,

Goal's: Catch Fergy and Paulie to make them go to party.

Occupation: Helper of Butterbean's

Cafe, Co-Manager of Pinata Central, Student of Puddlebrook and Pinata School, Puddle Scout, Fergy and Paulie' Archenemy.

Cricket Pester The Pinata Wrangler With Her Boss Langston Lickatoad:

Boss/Best Friend: Langston LickaToad:

The Very Best Boss: Butterbean Pester,

Family Member's: Professor Pester, (Father), Miss Petula, (Mother), Butterbean Pester, (Older Sister),

Professor Pester, (Father),

Miss Petula, (Mother),

Butterbean Pester, (Older Sister),

Friend's: Poppy, Dazzle, Jasper, Dottie, (Best Friend), Rebel, (Other Best Friend), Hudson Horstachio, Paulie Pretztail, Fergy Fudgehog, Franklin Fizzlybear, Tina & Teddington Twingersnap, Ella Elephanilla, Les Galagoogoo, Langston Lickatoad, (Best Friend/Partner), Dr. Quincy Quackberry, etc

Enemies: Professor Pester, (Sometime's), The Ruffians, Sour Pinata's, Ms. Marmalady, Oopsie Doodle, Spork, Spatch, Paulie Pretztail, Fergy Fudgehog, etc

Professor Pester, (Sometime's),

The Ruffians:

Sour Pinata's,

Ms. Marmalady,

Oopsie Doodle,

Spork and Spatch,

Fergy Fudgehog and Paulie Pretztail

Like's: Her sister, her friends, playing, baking, cooking, helping in the jobs, Launching piñatas, Helping Langston Catching Fergy and Paulie and sending them into a party.

Dislike's: Ms. Marmalady doing sneaky things, her dad professor pester and his The Ruffians catching pinata's, her sister is sad, her friends are sad, disappointing people, no one lets her help in the jobs, troubles, Letting Fergy and Paulie get away,

Puddlebrook Village:

Butterbean pester and Cricket pester Home:

Cricket Pester Room:

Butterbean Pester Room:

Professor Pester and Miss Petula Bedroom's:

Pet's: Cookie The Cat:

Flame The Red Talking Dragonache:

The Bean Team:

Hunson and his friend's:

Backaround Information: Cricket Petula Pester is The Daughter of Professor Pester and Miss Petula and the younger sister to

Butterbean Pester and she live's in pinata island home to many animal pinata's and she as two job's work's in butterbean cafe and Pinata Central to send pinata's to party's stop her father professor pester for catch pinata, going on adventures with hunson's and his friend's and working at the cafe with her older sister butterbean and her friend's. To catch paulie and fergy to send them to a party. stop Ms. Marmalady trying to beat butterbeans cafe.

In every chapter episode Cricket Pester as evil plan's to Catch Fergy Fudgehog, and Paulie Pretztail but fail so many time's.

Her father Professor Pester and his Ruffians team up with Ms. Marmalady along with Spork, Spatch, to catch all the pinata's to get there candy and who plots to put Butterbean out of business, only to fail every time.

In My Sweet Sours Professor Pester recalls his early days, when he created a Sour piñata to fulfill an evil plan. But evil plans have a way of going way wrong... This is where he first meet Miss Petula at the Broken Arms evil lair startup-plex along with The Ruffian's, Professor Pester and Miss Petula got marred and give birth with two girl's Butterbean pester and Cricket Pester.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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