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Only about thirty minutes passed before the sound of small footsteps cut through the air. Primrose, Rocket, and Yondu instantly moved toward the gate just in time to see Groot coming around the corner with something in his hands. When he was close enough for the Quill woman to see what it was, she had to gather all her restraint not to laugh out loud. They all just watched as Groot stood in front of them, holding up the object in his hands with pride in his eyes.

"That's my underwear," Yondu said without taking his eyes off the small creature.

"Yeah, I was pretty sure he didn't know what you were talking about," Rocket responded after running his hand down the sides of his face, "you have to explain it more carefully."

After letting out a long sigh, the former leader of the Ravagers adjusted his sitting position and opened his mouth to speak. "It's a prototype fin."

Groot sent the Udonta man a small nod before running back down the hall, dragging the underwear as he went. Primrose could no longer fight back her laughter, causing Yondu and Rocket to glare up at her. Moments later, Groot returned with yet another object that wasn't even close to what they asked him to find. That time, the Quill woman was a bit less amused as she watched the pinkish creature struggle to break free of Groot's grasp.

"That's an orloni. It's a fin, Groot," the raccoon told Groot with his arms crossed over his chest.

Yondu couldn't help but release an annoyed sigh as he turned his attention to the furry creature sitting next to him. "You explain it this time."

Groot left and came back with many different objects, including a prosthetic eye and a desk. Primrose was surprised that nothing even came close to what they were asking for. She knew that the small creature was still relearning everything about the world but she never expected it to be this hard for him to understand their instructions. After Groot returned with a human toe that they all agreed never to discuss again, the Quill woman came up with an idea that just might work. And if it didn't, it would probably get them better results than they were receiving.

"Can I see your insignia?" Primrose asked while gesturing to the golden object on Yondu's jacket. The Udonta man just stared at her before removing the insignia from his jacket and handing it to her. As soon as the object was in her possession, Primrose squatted down in front of the gate and handed Groot the insignia. "The drawer you're looking for has this symbol on it. Okay?"

The small creature just stared up at Primrose for a long moment before raising the insignia above his head. The Quill woman let out an exhausted sigh at the same time Yondu's anger got the better of him. "What?! No!"

𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 ✼ 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 ²Where stories live. Discover now