001; A Crack in the Heart of Glass

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001; A Crack in the Heart of Glass

001; A Crack in the Heart of Glass

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she has a heart of glass

but glass is fragile


tired, exhausted, drained, weakened, she could think of a million different words to describe herself at the moment. her head was spinning in circles, her feet ached from walking so much, and her brain was shut down entirely. so shut down, in fact, the moment she reached the outskirts of a kingdom, her body followed her brain, and shut off entirely, collapsing onto the cold, hard dirt.


'sir, we found an unconscious body in front of the kingdom gates,' a guard reported into his communicator. the message traveled up to the castle right into the ears of the head guard, awesamdude, or sam, who frowned. thats certainly unusual.

'what does he look like?'

'its a...woman, by the looks of it. or man, who knows,' joked the guard.


'right, apologies, they have extremely long brown hair, can't see her eyes, they're closed, pale skin, pretty short in height. we searched her, no weapons except a small dagger which I have with me.' jack stated. 

sam rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 'ok, is anyone else with you?'

'yes, only eryn.'

'ok, one of you stay on guard and the other bring her to the castle. this could always be a trap, so be cautious. does she look familiar?'

'eryn can go.' jack glanced at eryn who was looking at the limp body, making sure he was still listening to the conversation. eryn nodded in response. 'and no sir, she doesn't look familiar, definitely not from here.'

'keep your guard up.'


vixen woke up to a light being shined in her face and multiple whispering voices.

'its a fuckin' womann!' someone said

'tommy shut up! ' another voice hissed.



'ITS A WOMAN!' the person yelled.


vixen shot up as she realised she did not know where she was, or any of these people whispering about "fuckin' woman". then instantly regretted it as pain shot up her head. she put her hand on her head on instinct, just to see her hand all bandaged up.

'AHHH SHES AWAKE! WOMANN!' a kid screeched, running out of the room in a panic. vixen winced at the loudness of his voice. he had messy blond hair, was extremely tall, and way too loud for vixens liking.

'tommy!' a guy with brown fluffy hair snapped. he was sitting on a beanbag not to far from the bed she was sitting on. he looked at vixen and smiled apologetically.

'sorry about him, he's a bit...odd around females.' he said. vixen blinked confusedly. 

'oh right! sorry about that, im wilbur, prince of the azalea kingdom,' he said. 'that was my brother tommy, as you probably heard. he's very...outgoing, sorry about that.'

vixen nodded. 'I can tell.' she said, then froze as she realised she was talking to a prince.

wilbur seemed to realise what she was thinking because he laughed slightly. 'please ignore me being a prince. it honestly gets kind of annoying after a while - I can't be friends with anyone, they just keep gawping at the pact that im a prince.' he scowled a little at the last word a little. the phrase 'the prince of nothing' rang in his head. vixen looked at him thoughtfully. they were similar in that way, she realised.

it was silent for a moment till someone else walked in.

they both turned at the noise.  

"hey wil!" he said cheerfully.

as vixen caught a glimpse of this new person and as they made eye contact, her heart leapt into her throat. the voices in her head started yelling painfully, some good, some bad.

friend! kin! danger! same! run! ally! found.

she gasped as her head flooded with pain suddenly  and clutched at it in a useless attempt to stop the waves of mixed signals pouring into her brain.

then, she passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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