Chapter 1

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Welcome to a new story because I have no idea why I decided to do this. Oh wait, I have an idea why. Three words: Lego Harry Potter

Don't ask me why a lego game gave me this idea. Frankly, it seems a bit far-fetched for how this story might turn out but hey, I'm shooting my shot and seeing if this can blow up bigger than my other fic. Which is dead in the dumps btw, it won't be updated for a while. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this short but sweet chapter of probably something. At the point where I'm writing this, I haven't even come up with the name of the fic yet lol. Eh, I'll think of something, you'll see. Also, I am in the process of rereading the books so while that's going on there will be just my original stuff.

Oh yeah, and you might think this should be in the crossover section, uhh it shouldn't because I'm not bringing characters from there to here. It's literally just magic, I hope.

Welp, let's get this show on the road. Narrator, take us away!


Once upon a time in a land far far away-

You mean Scotland right?

There- wait...who are you?

I'm the main character of this story right?

Incorrect, Harry Potter's supposed to be-

Then why bother making a story anyway?

We are trying to make a more serious story this time round. Have you not seen what the last one devolved to?

Ah right, into hellfire.

Now, if you'd excuse me. Ahem. Once upon a time in a land far far-


Fine! Once up a time in a land not so far away...lived a school for wizards and witches. A world beyond human comprehension. A world of magical creatures and spells that rip through the very physics that we've learned. That is magic.

But we're breaking the norm on that, aren't we?

Corre- You're still here?

Fortunately, my actions have led me to this point. Plus, the author wanted me to add a little pizazz. So you'll be stuck with me until the end of the story.

*Sigh* Right. Remind me to hand in my resignation after this is all over.

Nah, you're our last one after the last two. No one else wants the job.

I can see why.

Aren't we getting to the story now? We're burning pages.

That's what I- Ahem. But our story for today moves past the wizards and magical castle. Instead, we'll be heading to an orphanage in the middle of Ipswich, where the start of one little boy's journey into the unknown shall begin.

Not really the unknown.

I hate you.


"I'd say I'm a well-off boy... well, about as well-off as an orphan could be. You see, my parents dropped me off at this orphanage when I was a wee little baby. Didn't give me a name or anything. The caretakers gave me the name Vincent, although everyone calls me 'the strange one' or 'the weird one'. Funny story actually, it-"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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