CH 4

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Hello sorry if there any mistake and please tell me if there's any mistake. Thank you please enjoy!
Pierce Pov
"Oh you guys are back, " I said as the other walked in
"Uh, Yea... " Noi said.
"Well, Ein are you hungry?" Ava asked.
"Yea I guess I'm pretty hungry, " Ein replied.
"Well, come out I'll cook you something, " Ava said. Ein nod and they all walked out the room and to the kitchen.
Ava made some long yellow like line in a plate with red stuff on it and brown ball.
"What is this human? " Asch ask princess Ava.
"It's pasta, " Ein said.
"I didn't ask you, you werewolf, " Asch scoff.
"Not my fault your dumb, " Ein mumble. I was kinda surprised no one heard that.
"Well, enjoy, " Ava said. As we finished our food Rhys said something, "So where is Ein going to sleep? " He said.
"It's fine, I can just sleep on the couch. " Ein said. I felt kinda bad.
"Well... You can share a room with me if you want, " I said.
"Really? " Ein asked and I nod. Everyone was pretty surprised for some reason.
(Writer: He barely let anyone in his room 😒)
"Well, it is getting late so I'm going to go to bed, " Princess Ava said and went to her bedroom.
Ein Pov
After we ate Pierce took me to his bedroom, I didn't want to agree but Pierce is my "best friend" so I agree, I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I'm basic forcing myself, when we got to pieces bedroom I have to say his bedroom is pretty cool and not messy, it was really clean. Pierce got in bed.
"... Aren't you going to get in bed? " Pierce said. I felt my face heating up a bit, me and Pierce in the same bed!? Calm down Ein it's not a big deal! I took off my hoodie and climbed in bed with Pierce.
"... Goodnight Ein, " Pierce said. I smiled, "Goodnight Pierce, ". After a little while I felt Pierce warm arms wrapped around me. My face starts heating up and my heart starts racing, but I later calm down and got closer to Piece. He was really warm and soon after I start drifting to sleep.

🌅-In the Morning-🌅

Ein Pov
I woke up to see me and Pierce really close to each other. I tried to get out of Pierce grab but failed, I then heard Pierce grunts
"Huh? "
"Oh, um good morning, " I said nervously. Pierce looked down at me
"Good morning Ein, " he said back.
"Um, could you maybe move your arms? " I asked nervously
"Oh, sorry. " Pierce removed his arms around me and to be honest I wish we could do that again.

-time skin-
(I'm lazy and thank you @steponitnicejob for the ideas! I hope this is what you meant about your idea ⬆️)

Pierce Pov
It's been 1 week and 2 days since Ein lived with us. This feeling I have every time I'm near him, it's really weird. Asch and Leif have been acting weird ever since that fight they have and Princess Ava told them to go in a room together to make up.
(If you didn't know I put a warning saying that there's going to be Asch x Leif I really like their dynamic and everything)
"Hey Pirece! " I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Ein yell.
"Uh, yea? "
"How do you work this thing? " Pointing at the stove.
(Writer: He does not have a home so he just sleeps in trees and steals from others sometimes)
"Uh, I don't really know, here I'll ask princess Ava, "
"Ok, ". I knocked on princess princesses Ava's door and Ava opened the door, "Uh hi Pierce do you need anything? " Princess Ava asked.
"Ein asked how the stove wor- "
AGHHHHHHHHHH!!! " I suddenly heard Ein yelled/scream from the kitchen. Me and Ava quickly ran to the kitchen and there was Ein on the ground staring at the fire he created. The others then can out the wall.
"What's going on we heard screaMING! WHAT THE! " Noi yelled. We ran over to Ein and quickly tried to put out the fire.
After we put out the fire princess Ava and I decided to check on Ein. He was sitting on the couch.

"Ein... HOW DID YOU BURN WATER!?"Princess Ava yelled/asked.

I-I... I don't know. " He said turning to us. Princess Ava sighed, "Ein next time when you want to do something can you please ask me first or the others and they'll come ask me. " She said.
"Um, ok. " Ein said and turned back to the TV she sighed again and made her way to the bedroom, "If you guys need me I'll be in my room sleeping ok, " She said and went to her room. I look back at Ein then the same feeling starts overflowing me again. What is this, feeling? Did Ein put a spell on me? No he doesn't know who to use magic not that I know of...
Hello there reader! Sorry it took me a million years to update, I was having trouble with ideas and thanks again @steponitnicejob for giving me an idea! I have finals coming so I'm pretty stress 😔 please wish me luck and get me some ideas! Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Werewolf And Daemo?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora