Untitled Part 1

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It hurts when you no longer say good morning.

Each day seems more and more like a warning.

It used to be we started the day with a hug. 

Now I feel I'm thrown under an unused rug.

You no longer stop to ask if I'm okay.

You just go along with your day. 

It hurts so much, I'm the one that brought us all together. 

Now you don't even notice when I feel under the weather.

You've taken me for granted, I'm just a bystander.

When we used to be something so much grander. 

You still stop and call me your "bestie". 

But really, that's only when you need something. 

I don't think you realize, I really don't. 

You exclude me, whether on purpose or by fault, but know that I won't. 

I won't let you feel as if your worthless.

I won't let you feel like you are hopeless.

I'll lift you up, just to stay on the ground.

Wondering if I'll ever be found. 

I say that I love you with all of my heart. 

While it's only platonic, I leave only the truth in that part.

You say it back.

You don't realize how much I keep track .

Sometimes I wonder if you even see me.

I try so hard not to act like I'm three. 

But I want attention, I feel so lonely.

Sometimes I think, " if only...".

It's not your fault of course.

I'd never blame you.

But there are times I truly ponder.

I stop for a moment and begin to wonder. 

If I disappeared, gone forever,

Would you mourn my loss? 

Would it haunt you forever?

You all think I'm just a sunshine. 

All good, no bad thoughts inside. 

You say that you know know me, that you'd always choose me.

Then again, you didn't realize my thoughts went gloomy. 

There are times, when I believe, that you are here for me. 

That you want me to stay.

But I'm still struggling to make the choice to keep you in my life.

After all, you couldn't tell the difference when I started to fake my smile. 

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