Why did she disappear?

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Emmie ran down her neighborhood's street as she wanted to get home as fast as possible. It was the anniversary of her friends death and she had been holding back tears all day at school and the flood gates where on the verge of breaking open. She only wanted to flop down on her bed and cry for hours. Thankfully it was Friday and she wouldn't need to go to school looking like a train wreck. Finally, after what felt like eternity, her dad's house came into her view and she increased her pace to reach it faster. She ran up the steps and opened the door only to slam it closed a couple seconds later and storm up the carpeted steps to her room. She dropped her backpack onto the soft floor of her room before face-planting on her fluffy bed sheets. She hadn't realized that both of her dads where home and could hear her balling her eyes out. They contemplated going up to check on her but realized that she needed some alone time. They knew what today was. They knew how personal this day would be for her. It had only been a year since Terence disappeared but it weighed heavily on the 15 year old girl.
(Up in Emmie's room)
"I just miss her so much!" she screamed into her phone at her best friend, Abbie. "I do too, Emmie. We need a way of honoring her!" "Like what?" Emmie sniffled. "Like going to the woods where she was last seen and make a shrine. With her favorite flowers, candy, perfume. Ya'know? To let people see that she will truly be missed." "I like that idea."Emmie said while drying her tear stained cheeks. "I have a good picture of her on my phone that I can print out. We can run to the store to get all the stuff and then meet at the Wondering Hallows!" Emmie cheered. "Okay!" Abbie squeaked, "Let's meet up in 20 minutes!"
Emmie runs back down the stairs to her dads' printer, phone in hand, and quickly prints out the picture of her friend before running to grab her purse and dart out the front door. "I'll be back before dark!" She shouts to her dads, who nod at her from the kitchen. She knows where she needs to go. After running for about 15 minutes Emmie saw the Wondering Hallows. The woods looked creepy for such a pretty name. Since she arrived early she would have to wait for her friend. "Hey! Emmie!" Abbie screamed. "I got the flowers and candy!" "I got the picture and picture frame." Emmie responded. They walked a short distance into the woods to find a good spot to put the shrine. Once they found a huge tree the set to work. "Remember that time me, you, and Terence all decided to climb onto the roof of your dads' house, only to get stuck there for 2 hours?" Abbie asked Emmie, trying to lift her mood. "Yea, that was fun. My dads had to call the fire department to get us down!" Emmie recalled. Suddenly the mood shifted between the two into something more depressing. "Why did she have to disappear?" Abbie asked. "I don't know but everyone has given up hope in finding her and it makes me mad!" Emmie cried out. Emmie...Abbie. A strange voice whispered. "What was that?" Emmie screeched. "I dunno but I heard it, too." Abbie said. "Let's leave. We already have the shrine set up!" Emmie said and Abbie agreed.

Author's note:WOW! 599 words on the first chapter! I hope anyone reading this enjoyed the first part. I will be trying to post a chapter once a week at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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