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Hi people who are reading this!
This is my first ever fanfiction so pls cope with me and correct my spelling mistakes and stuff and U can also give me ideas on what to write.
~A/N (now to the story)

Lydia's pov

I was in my bedroom watching Mean Girls in the Black Tower when an owl to my window with a letter in its beak. "Hold up! Are you telling me that people still use owls when there is technology like mobile phones and laptops and more cool shit?!" I asked myself as I took the letter from its beak.

 "Hold up! Are you telling me that people still use owls when there is technology like mobile phones and laptops and more cool shit?!" I asked myself as I took the letter from its beak

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My eyes widened as I read the letter and dashed to the living room to find Dad, Mum and the avengers including Peter sitting there.

"Dad! Dad! You won't believe what I got!" I exclaimed and showed him the letter. As Dad read the letter he smiled and said, "Ah! You finally got your Hogwarts letter!
Peter got his too!" I asked him if he had been to Hogwarts and replied.

" Yes I did with my two brothers, one named Regulus Black died and the other named Sirius Black is in Azkaban wizard prison. Anyways, there are 4 houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. I was in Gryffindor and my parents were disappointed cause I was a Gryffindor and being pureblooded and in Gryffindor is a disappointment to them. I had 4 best friends in Gryffindor, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black( my brother) James Potter and Peter Pettigrew."

" After we graduated from Hogwarts, James married Lily and had a son called Harry and Sirius was his godfather. Voldemort, a dark wizard, killed lily and James but Harry survived the killing curse, the first one to do so. Since my friend James died I didn't want to live in the wizarding world so I came to New York and started the avengers and shit!"

After telling that everyone stared at Dad and my jaw dropped to the ground. So magic is real! " We'll go to Diagon Alley today afternoon to get your and Peter's school supplies."

We went to Diagon Alley and got our books, cauldron and wands. My wand was made of Yew w and had phoenix core and was 13". Dad bought me a freaking cat!!!

It had a flower crown on its head and I named it Nala

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It had a flower crown on its head and I named it Nala.

Dad, Mum, Peter and I were at King's cross station string at the beautiful train on 1 September. Peter and I quickly boarded the train and went in search for a compartment. When we went in one of the compartments, there was a redhead with freckles eating sweets. There was a boy with raven hair and beautiful emerald green eyes and glasses and a scar on his forehead. He's kinda cute...wait what Lydia nooo you just met him!
I mentally facepalmed myself. "You don't mind if we sit here do you because all the other compartment a full?" I asked. "No worries!" Said the boy with glasses.
"Let me introduce ourselves! This is Peter Parker and I am Lydia Black!" Peter gave them a smile and sat. "Hi, I am Harry potter!" Said the boy with glasses. "I'm Ron Weasley." The redhead said.

The rest of the train ride was fine and I also made friends with a girl called Hermione Granger.
When we entered the castle with the other first years, three boys stood in front of Harry, Ron, Peter and I.
" Is it true? Their saying Harry Potter has arrived. So it's you?" Asked the platinum blonde haired boy. "Yes" Harry replied. "This is Crabbe and this is Hoyle. And I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Ron sniggered. "Think my name is funny do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all Weasleys have read hair, freckles and more children then they can afford!" "Shut up bleached hair Barbie!" I exclaimed as Harry, Ron and Peter tried to stifle their laughs. " And who might you 2 be?"
"Peter Parker" said Peter
"Lydia Black"
"Ahh! Dear cousin how are you!"
" Gross!! Someone who dyes their hair blond everyday is my cousin!" I gagged and my friends erupted with laughter. Draco find back to harry and said "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort, I can help you there."

He held out his hand to shake Harry's but he didn't take it.
" I think I can tell who the sort are for myself, thanks." Harry said cooly and I smirked at Draco.

We're ready for you now." Said professor McGonagall.

Author's pov

Soon the sorting ceremony began. Harry, Ron and Hermione got sorted into Gryffindor.

"Lydia Black"

" Hmmm... Brave. Yes courageous, loyal, ambitious, hmmm... Better be ...

Lydia was terrified but she kept calm and walked over to the Slytherins as theri table bursted with applauses. When Peter was sorted in Hufflepuff, Lydia was sad but Peter cheered her and told her that they will always be friends no matter what happened.

Soon Lydia was friends with Harry and Hermione, but Ron was a bit suspicious of her as she was a Slytherin. Little did she know being friends with Potter would mean always being in trouble!


I hope you liked this part so far. I know some will say why put y/n in Gryffindor. Well it is much easier to write the story when she's in Gryffindor.( I am a SLYTHERIN myself. Do comment your house!)
Give me ideas and feel free to comment. I will update when I can as I am technically overseas.

Your fav character?
Mine is Harry and MINNIE

Your house?

Your fav ship?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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