The lake

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Wilhelm and Simon meet each other at the lake by school as much as they can. There's a specific tree they always sit by and it's one of Wilhelm's favorite places to go.

  Wilhelm got there before Simon and fed some of the ducks the extra food he brought. Erik always had a thing for ducks and frogs. Lake animals and such. He pulled his knees to his chin. It was freezing. He heard the leaves rustling behind him. Simon sat down next to him, their arms touching. Wilhelm grabbed Simons hand and squeezed it.
"God, you're freezing," Simon took of one of his jackets and wrapped it around Wilhelm.
Wilhelm faked a smiled and rested his head on Simons shoulder.
"What's wrong?" Simon asked.
Somehow he always knew when something was wrong with Wilhelm.
"The lake.. it reminds me of Erik."
"How so?" Simon pushed Wilhelms hair out of his eyes.
"Well," Whilhem pulled his head up and chuckled, "When Erik and I were little we would sneak out of the castle- there was this one place where we could get out in the back where no one would see us. Well you know there's a lake behind the castle and that means ducks. Well Erik loved ducks so much that he decided to take one into a royal court meeting and throw it on the table and..." his voice trailed off.
"What?" Simons smile faded.
Wilhelm swallowed and a rear ran down his cheek. Simon pulled Wille's head into his shoulder and wrapped his arms around him. Wilhelm sniffed and silently cried. Simon rubbed his thumb against the back of Wilhelms neck to calm him down like he always does. Wille missed Erik so much and wanted more than anything for him to come back but it was impossible. He wanted to tell Erik all about Simon and about what August did. Wilhelm would love to see August get the shit beat out of him by Erik.
"You know you can talk to me about Erik whenever you want right?" Simon pulled back and looked at him.
Wilhelm nodded and wiped the tears off his eyes.
Simon pulled his forehead toward his lips and kissed it.
"I love you," Wilhelm said.
"I love you too," Simon replied.

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