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Being dead... is hard. But being alive is harder...

Just two weeks ago, me and my sister, Maddie, were going down to the local lumber mill and when we got there the lights were off, so we knocked but no one answered. So, we just politely walked inside as the sign-up front said they were open. It was dark and the TV in the main room was on. There were Cheeto crumbs all over the floor, so all that I could think was a little kid ate a snack, and the parent did not clean it up, and the lights died. Then Maddie pointed to the front desk which was occupied by a sleeping employer. We walked a bit closer, and he had a name tag on his blue, Cheeto stained shirt, saying Harrison. “He probably got drunk or something” I said as my sister and I started walking out of the store. The employee woke up from the bell on the door, “shoot...” I mumbled as my sister, and I turned around. The man wiped his shirt and stood up. He said, “hey! What are you kids doing here in weather like this!?” It was a little bit less than a hundred degrees outside, so I was a little bit confused. “I'm sorry, we just needed some wood for smoking chicken tonight.” He was still pissed and walked us out of the store limping, and he yelled at us, unintelligibly, and slammed the door. “.....hahaha..” I said still confused. Maddie rolled her eyes giggling and held my wrist heading home.
A couple minutes later, we came to our house block. “Hey kiddo’s!” my dad said as we were getting closer to our house. “Where are the logs?” my dad said as I responded, “there was a drunk mental man at the desk, so we left” I said annoyed. Maddie hugged dad and smiled as I started walking to my room. I shut the door and changed clothes, as the man had touched my shirt walking me out of the shop. “Ugh, ew.. Gross.” I said throwing my old shirt out the window disgusted. I realized that was my favorite football shirt, so I walked downstairs to get it on my front lawn. My sister asked where I was going, I shoved her, and she tripped into the dog's water bowl. I laughed and picked up apologizing sarcastically. She said it was fine and went downstairs to take a shower. I shut the door and lost sight of my shirt. “where's the darn shirt” I said and clearly disturbing the family next door. “whatever” I said and turned around but before I could head back inside, a faint voice from behind my said, “looking for this?” I turned around to find the man from the lumber mill earlier. I thought to myself, he must have followed me home... Dang it. “What do you want creep?” trying to grab my shirt, but then got kicked in the shin by the man. “What man!? What do you want!?” “I just want to have a quick chat.” I did not say anything and looked in the other direction ignoring him. He tapped my shoulder and said, “kid, if anyone hears about... You know... My little, party-” he started giggling “You will be in some trouble boy...” “ok?” I said as I grabbed my shirt and went inside, looking through the peep hole when I felt secure, he was gone. I felt a slight shiver down my spine.

miracle حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن