Basketball with Blake

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It was a nice sunny day in Los Angeles and you were spending the afternoon at your boyfriend Blake's house; curled up on the couch and watching movies as you notice a beam of sunshine come into the house through the window. "It's so pretty outside." You mention as you gently lean your head on Blake's shoulder. "Yeah we should do something, wanna go swimming?" Blake replied. "Then I'd have to go all the way home and get a swimsuit, but I can beat you in a game of basketball if your up for it?" Blake quickly laughed at the comment. "Whatever you say babe." Blake said before getting off the couch and trailing behind you to the basketball court. You pick up the basketball that was already outside on the court and begin to dribble at your own pace. "In the nba we call that a double dribble." Blake says as he watches your every move just looking for mistakes. As you shoot the ball he attentively observes and watches as it doesn't go in. " Would you like some help from a professional?" He asks as he goes to get the ball. "I can do it I swear, just let me see the ball." You say as you notice Blake make his way to the right hand corner of the court and shoot a three.

"Show off."

"It's still not to late for me to help you ." Blake says with an incredible big grin across his face

"Ugh, fine" you say rolling your eyes as Blake makes his way over to you with the basketball in his hand. He makes his way behind you and grips your hands as you hold the ball.

"Make it one fluid motion." He says as he guides your hand once you shoot the ball and the two of you watch as it goes in. You immediately turn around at him and begin to smile. "All because of me." Blake says as he quickly kisses your cheek.

-comment or message me to request imagines and check out my new Instagram "blake_nation32"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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