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Hello friends. I thought of a one shot in contestshipping. I think you all enjoy the story.
I will try my best to uptade next chapter of Miss friendly and Mr perfect 😊😊😊😊😊.
Let's start the story.
DISCLAIMER I don't own pokemon or the charecters.

The church bells started to ring with the music which is played for the bride. You may think who the bride?? It's non other than our Princess of Hoenn. She is wearing a white netted full gourn which is full designed with white shinny thread roses. She look like an angle who just came to the earth. But she don't have the angelic smile in her face. She looked at her dress and smiled sadly. 'I think we can't meet again.'
"May are you ok?" Asked Dawn her best friend. Whom she meet in the travel.
"I am fine Dawn."
"May, it's not your fault. He will be the person who's going to regret, when he think about what he lossed." She comforted so, she can see the smile of her friend.
May showed her friend a small fake smile.

May's POV

'I think , I will never be your princess.' I thought sadly of my before meeting of Drew in the festival.


"Drew. You told you will meet them after this festival. Why are you refusing now??" Drew competated in hoenn special festival. Which includes strong trainers and coordinator's of the hoenn. Drew came in top 3. The hoenn champion got the first place. Now we were attending the party of the festival. I am wearing a sapphire blue frock which reached my keens. The skirt looked fluffy with netted design. The top has heart shape design. The dress was fully covered with silver stones. I weared a matching heel shoe and leave my hair down.(after all. I grown them near my waist.). Drew, he wear a black suit. Which suited him perfectly.
"I can't May."
"But, Drew if I didn't introduce you as my boyfriend. Then they will arrange me a marriage with his friends son." I begged him to come with me to meet my family.
"Don't worry May. You always be my princess." He told me with a smile.
"Drew, it's not the time to flirt. Your coming with me now." I grabbed his hand and started to move, but I suddenly stopped in the track. To face a cold eyed Drew.
"Your not the only one having the problem. I convinced my parent's but not my grandpa. Without his decision I can't do anything. Now did you get why I am not meeting your parents?" He shouted to me in the anger.
"What you will do if your grandpa say No. Answer me Drew??" I asked him in a fear.
"It will never happen Ma-"
"Then why???" I cut him half in the middle.
"I can't answer you now May. I need to go now. You maybe the treasure to the Hoenn, angle to your father and crushes to many boy's. I don't care about that, but keep this in your mind that your my princess and you will be my wife." He kissed me in my lips and started to walk away.
'I will try my best to wait for you Drew.' I smiled sadly.

End of the flashback

'I am sorry drew.'
"May. It's time to go." Dawn brought me back to reality. That today is my wedding. I just nodded and followed her out of the room.
As, I walked out of my room. My father holded my hands with small joy and tears.
"I can't believe your getting married." He told me with a tearfull smile.
I just nodded. I don't have choice. As, we walked towards the church the bells and music started to play. I suppressed my tears. After this marriage I can't be with Drew.
My father handed me to my soon to be husband Richard ( my father's friends son.) He smiled at me.

"Now. Ladies and gentl-."
"Stop the wedding." I can see the tensness in the hall mainly in Richards face.
I also turned to see who had stopped the wedding. He wore a black cooling glass, black suit. He is young. I think he maybe a bodyguard to any of the rich people. Because soon many mens came who are similar to his dressing.
"Clear the hall. Except our ma'am and her family." He commanded other gaurds.
Within 15mins they cleared the hall except me, Richard and our family.
"Who the hell are you????? For whom your doing this???" Richered started his fight with the commanding bodyguard.
"For me." Its Drew. I can't keep my happiness. But suddenly it become sad, maybe he came here to wish or to congragulation to our wedding.
"Why Hayden??" Richard asked in venom in his words.
He started to walk towards us and grabbed me towards him and hugged tightly.
"Because, She is My princess and My wife. Did you get it." Drew replied him with the same venom.
"Your princess????Haha. It's not the time for joke Drew. What do you think welcome in open hands and forgive you?? Drew its been 4 years after the festival. No calls, No letters, No messages. And now your except me to welcome you with a smile??. I showed my anger to him.
"You know what, Drew,when I see you what came in my mind is that, your here to tell me your congrats for my wedding." I told with the tears that I controled for very long time.
"You should leave Drew. Its my wedding." I told him without showing any emotion.

MY PRINCESS ( CONTESTSHIPPING ) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now