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How you guys feeling about crossover chapters cause I got one in mind (that I made for the next chapter) but I don't I gonna post it or not. I don't watch much anime cause there certain ones I like (just fighting and G0re mainly with some comedy) So yeah there not be much or it don't have to be anime characters it can be from cartoons or video games (I was thinking about adding DBD but I just got into the Fandom and not know much yet so maybe not, i'm such a horror fan) but I let ya'll decide I should post the chapter and add more crossover if so have any in mind like to meet?




Well you guys soon I off to sleep cause I need it....♡

  ★THE ULTIMATE HIMBO★ ᴰᴬᴺᴳᴬᴺᴿᴼᴺᴾᴬ 「REWRITE」「DISCONTINUED」Where stories live. Discover now