The generous old

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There was an old woman who was with his car back home after visiting some friends, when half of the way is corduroy.
The very frightened woman did not know what to do, then passes through the place a worker who goes to work, the man approaches her so concerned to help.
She decides to take a little scared assistance had no choice, as he fixes the car tells you about his family and how he learned to fix the car, she listened attentively.
When finished fixing the car goodbye to the lady and says go quiet, you owe me nothing was a pleasure to help.
She asks how I can pay the answers when someone needs your help with that I must give it paid.
The woman kept going and going to a coffee to warm your body, the waitress who treats pregnant and lacks little to have her baby, but have to work to buy the necessary for your child things.
She leaves him enough tip money so she can buy you everything your baby, this is going home happy and at night she tells her husband, smiles this was the same lady who will fix the car.
If someone needs your help, do not hesitate to give it.

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