Having a feeling

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It was a normal day of school when you have a feeling that someone is staring at you. You turn around to find no other than Katsuki Bakugou (your crush since middle school) staring at you. When you look back at him he quickly turns away.

Fast forward when it's lunch time you sit at the bakusqaud
Table. You all were talking when you feel someone staring at you again. You look up to see bakugou staring at you again. kirishma: guys we should go to that new pizza place in town this Saturday! Mina: yea! Denki: I'm down we need a break from school! Bakugou: as if I would go with you dumb extras! Y/n: bakugou please go with us! Bakugou:... will I be paying? Y/n: nope! I'll be paying! Bakugou:.....fine!

(Fast forward to Saturday)
We all get there on time surprisingly. When we get there we get our pizzas and eat. Mina: this tastes sooooo good! Denki: I know right its so tasty! Kirishma: yea we should do this more often! Bakugou: whatever you dumb extras! Kirishma: bakubro it would not kill you to be nice! Bakugou: shut up shitty hair! I am nice! Mina: sure you are bakugou, sure you are. After we all finished eating we went back to our dorms to get some rest.

Bakugou x fem y/nOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant