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the scheme was going very well.

at first silver was going to try and keep a low-profile, asking one of the first kids they saw to battle them with a 500P bet on the table.

after expertly coercing the kid (telling him he would be a wuss if he refused), the battle began.

the kid's team was filled of mostly fighting types, so their espeon was making quick work of things.

they had told her to play up being weak, though, as to not draw attention to the fact that she was clearly a much higher level then the child's pokemon.

a small crowd had begun growing around them, which made them extremely anxious.

they didn't want to disappoint guzma on their first mission!!

so, they continued playing the act, giving espeon a signal to get hit every couple moves so the battle was feigned to be even.

at one point, another kid had pushed past the entire group, and was bouncing up and down excitedly on his feet, intently watching the battle with his rowlet perched on his head.

at first, silver paid him no mind, but then a girl pushed her way past the crowd, seemingly to scold him.

their jaw dropped in surprise.

she was beautiful.

balck hair put into pigtails with one side shaved and bright blue eyes, she was easily one of the prettiest girls silver had ever seen.

the outfit she wore was absolutely adorable as well, a cute pink dress hidden underneath a large leather jacket over the top, the spikes on her boots being a lovely touch.

and although she was quite far away, they could tell she was a good many inches taller than them, making their heart race and a blush rise to their face.

soon, the boy she was next to said something to her, and a quizzical look overtook her face before she locked eyes with them.

eyes widening in realization at being caught staring, they turned their attention back to the battle, face a flaming red.

after calling out to espeon to finally finish the battle, their opponents last pokemon fainted, and silver was declared the winner.

"nice job kid. you held your own pretty well."

the praise they gave was fake, clearly, but it still made the small boy's face light up with glee.

"really? thank you!! your espeon was really strong, miss!"

the misgendered term struck them hard in the chest, making their face sour before grabbing the money in the child's outstretched hand.

"yeah, yeah, whatever. make sure to study your type match-ups, alright? fighting is weak against psychic, not strong."

normally, they would be happy that their pokemon was receiving praise, but the fact that people still saw them as a girl upset them and definitely soured their mood.

suddenly, groups of kids surrounded them, holding up money for a battle, making their heart race uncontrollably in their chest.

"uh- um, sorry kids, but only one battle per day from me- maybe i'll see you all sometime soon, kay?"

silver locked eyes with the black-haired girl as they stated the latter part of their sentence, sending her a shy smile before holding up a peace sign.

the battlefield was flooded with smoke, and the kids around them began coughing uncontrollably.

you and me. (marnie x self-insert)Where stories live. Discover now