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I can't believe I'm going to be late! Again! Ugh, it's like clockwork at this point. What excuse will I have to use this time? I wonder if I've tried the dead alarm clock yet..

"Tick tock, Sarah. You're running out of time."

Huh? Lucy, what are you talking about? Wait, why aren't you at-

beep. beep. beep.

"Sarah, wake up. You don't want to end up late again, do you?"

"Ugh.. give me, like, 5 more minutes..."

"You've said that five times in the span of two hours. Now, GET UP!"

"Alright, you don't have to yell!"

I suppose I should introduce myself. Besides, it's better than you knowing about my daily routine, right? Yeah, I'll just get on with it.

My name is Sarah. I am (unfortunately) a student at my high school. And believe it or not, I have a pretty uninteresting life. Besides getting into the occasional fight, of course.

"Are you talking to yourself again? How many times do we need to go over this??"

The one currently rushing for me to get out of the house and onto the bus is my older sister, Kara. She currently has her entire life planned out, and is trying to do the same for me. Even if that means forcing me to get out of bed at 4 IN THE MORNING!

"I'm not the one who has to remember her excuses because she's LATE EVERY. SINGLE. DAY."

Beneath all of that, though. She's a really nice person. Once you get to know her over a course of 2-5 months. Anyways..

"There. I'm ready. Can you stop shouting now?"

"That depends, do they still allow onesies at your school?"


Nonononononono.. I don't have time to change.. does that mean I really have to go to school wearing.. this?

Actually, it could be worse. There's this other girl who wears a maid dress every so often. I make sure to avoid her when that happens.

"Ahem. Sarah. Bus. Bye."

And so begins another day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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