Chapter Two - Cuts, Scars and Bruises, Oh My!

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Walking into the house, Nate froze as he saw Matt sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Where the fuck were you?" Matt's voice was low and bitter when he spoke, sending a chill down Nate's spine.

"I.." Nate opened his mouth to reply, but nothing would come out.

"I asked you a question" Matt stood up, turning off the TV before turning to face the ebony. The brunette's eye's held a look that Nate knew all too well. Before the ebony could get a word out, Matt continued, "and when I ask a question, I expect a goddamn answer"

Suddenly, the brunette threw the TV remote at Nate, causing the ebony to curse, yelping in pain as the object hit his eye.

Matt then sighed, walking over to Nate and gently pulling him into a hug, "I'm sorry, love.." He placed a soft, feathery kiss to Nate's closed eye, "I was just really worried about you, is all"

Giving a small smile, Nate leaned into the hug, "It's fine.." he murmured, "and I'm sorry, I just wanted to take a walk to clear my head" he added. He was lying straight through his teeth and he knew it.

"Who brought you back?" Matt asked. It was then that the brunette noticed the ebony had changed clothes, "and what happened to your clothes?"

Nate froze. He had forgotten that he was wearing different clothes. "er- it started raining so I stopped by Hunter's to get out of the storm"

Matt sighed. "He doesn't know about what happened, does he?" he asked, "I'd hate for him to get hurt because you can't keep that pretty mouth of yours shut"

The ebony stiffened. "y-you wouldn't.."

Matt gave a smirk, "don't test me, love" he then kissed the ebony's nose, "Now, let's go to bed, yea?"

Nate nodded after a bit of hesitation, "alright"

With that, the two men went upstairs to the bedroom before changing into more comfortable clothes and getting under the covers. Matt then pulled Nate closer to him, kissing his bare shoulder gently before burying his face into the crook of his neck. This caused Nate to smile softly as he closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him.

Eventually, the sun began to rise, shining through the window and straight into Nate's eyes, causing him to let out a small groan before rolling over.

"Good morning to you too, love" Matt spoke up, causing the ebony to smile. The brunette's morning voice was at its peak and honestly, Nate loved it.

Slowly opening his eyes, the ebony's smile grew as he saw his boyfriend looking back at him. "Morning" he murmured, tiredly.

"We got to get up" Matt murmured back with a tiny grin. Nate only groaned in response, pulling the covers tighter over him as he closed his eyes once more.

"No" The ebony replied, "Too tired"

Matt chuckled softly, "Don't you have to record today?"

Letting out a small sigh, Nate nodded his head, "Yea" He murmured before throwing the blanket off of him, shivering slightly from the chilly morning air, and going over to his side of the closet. Grabbing a black, short sleeve shirt with a polyhedral spell circle on it as well as white sweatshirt that had Charisma written on it. The ebony then grabbed a pair of black, ripped jeans before turning back to Matt, who still lay in the bed, "I'm going to take a shower"

"Alright" Matt nodded before sitting up, "I'm gonna go make myself some coffee" With that, the brunette got up and walked out of the room. Nate watched him go before heading over to the bathroom and turning on the shower.

Eventually, Nate made it to the studio. Walking into the building, he gave a nod to his friend, Shawn, who smiled back before turning his attention back to the computer he was working at.

"Hey, Nate" Hunter smiled in greeting as he looked up, only to freeze as he saw the ebony. "Nate" he quickly, yet gently grabbed the other male's arm, "What the hell happened to your eye?"

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