Chapter Three - Confronting The Past

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Nate froze, terror running his body cold. He mentally cursed as he realized he must've forgot to cover up his black eye from the night before. "Nothing.." he eventually replied, "I just tripped and fell" he tried to free his arm from Hunter's grasp.

Hunter looked at him for a moment before glancing over at Shawn, who was too focused on whatever he was working on. Looking back at Nate, the brunette pulled the ebony into one of the recording rooms. Shutting the door behind them, Hunter finally let go of Nate's arm.

"Don't fucken lie to me, Smith," The brunette spoke firmly, "I know he did that to you. So what happened?"

"I already told you" Nate sighed, "I just tripped going up the stairs last night" The ebony hated lying to his friend, but the threat that Matt made the night before was still fresh in his mind. He didn't want his friend hurt because he couldn't keep quiet.

Hunter looked at his friend for a moment before letting out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair, "I know you're lying, Nate" he finally replied. "I just want to help you" He added, "fucken hell, everyone does. But we can't if you don't let us do so"

Nate rolled his eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you, Hunter" he sighed, "I'm fine" With that, the ebony shoved past the brunette and opened the door, slamming it shut behind him, causing Shawn to jump.

"Everything ok?" The tanned male asked, both confusion and worry in his eyes.

"Everything's fine" Was all the ebony replied before sitting down in a chair with a low sigh. Hunter soon came out of the room, looking at Nate before shaking his head with a sigh. Shawn looked from Hunter to Nate before shrugging and going back to whatever he was working on.

About five hours later, all three men were working on a new song, Nate with his guitar, Hunter with a notebook and Shawn at the computer. The sudden sound of the door opening, caused all three men to look up.

"Oh, hey Stephanie" Nate smiled as a brunette female walked in. He had calmed down and apologized to both Hunter and Shawn since his little outburst and both men had forgiven him.

"Hey, Nate" Steph gave a warm smile as a greeting. That smile soon turned to a frown as she saw the ebony's eye, "Oh my god, what happened to your eye?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it" Nate replied, "Did you need something?" he asked, "Is Matt ok?"

"Matt's fine" Steph replied, "I was wondering if you wanted to get some lunch" She added, "I know how you tend to skip lunch because you want to work"

Nate hesitated, looking towards Hunter, who gave him a small nod, "go" he gave a smile, "I'm actually hungry myself" he added

Looking back at Steph, Nate nodded, "alright" he gave a smile as he set his guitar aside before standing up, "What were you thinking?"

"There's this new Japanese place down the road that I've been wanting to try out" Steph replied, "Want to go there?"

"Sure" Nate nodded as he followed the brunette female out the door.

Eventually, the two made it to the restaurant. Sitting down at their table, Nate thanked the waitress before picking up the menu. Stephanie did the same, looking at the menu for a moment before putting it down and looking at the ebony, "Can I ask you something?"

Looking at the brunette female, Nate nodded, "sure" he replied, "what's up?"

"Did Matt do that to you?"

Nate sighed, nodding ever so slightly as he looked at the menu in his hands as a way to avoid her gaze. "Please don't tell anyone." he murmured, "I promise that I'm fine"

Steph sighed, but nodded nonetheless,"You need to leave him, Nate"

"He wasn't always like this" Nate replied, ignoring Steph's comment, "He used to be kind and sweet" He then sighed, "one day, though, he just changed.. It was like a switch had flipped in his personality"

Putting a hand on top of Nate's, Steph gave a warm, caring smile, "I know it's hard.. But you need to leave him for your own safety" she replied, "who knows what he could do"

At that, Nate shook his head, "I can change him" he stated, "I'm sure of it" he then sighed, "let's just order our food"

Steph looked at him for a moment before nodding, "alright" she gave a warm smile before both of them began looking through the menu once more.

The Devil Doesn't Bargain | NatePat ✔️Where stories live. Discover now