Part 1/1

16 3 6

TW: blood, guns.


A ray of sunlight crosses the window and lands on my eyes, still closed. I straighten up and realize that I'm on the hard floor of my bedroom, next to the feet of my bed. Ideas in the blur and my head screaming in pain, I start to think I maybe drank too much last night, but I give up on this idea, knowing we didn't go out yesterday.
In the unknown, I manage to get up despite a pain in my leg, and notice that someone is already awake in the living room. I open the sliding door and see Han in the kitchen, probably cooking something to eat.
- did you party last night? he says to me, laughing.
I wonder that myself actually.
- it's already-
Han stops short and looks at me, in total shock.
- it's already? I ask for him to continue.
But he's still staring at me, his eyes particularly glued to my clothes. I take my gaze away from Han to observe these and I freeze too.
My clothes, a white t-shirt fading to gray and light blue jeans, are covered in blood, dark stains covering my entire still body.
I stare the clothes without understanding what's happening and a heavy silence takes place. I realize strangely that I have no wound anywhere, thinking at first to be injured.
I slowly raise my head, face tense, and look at Han who decomposes over the seconds. Oh no. I know what Han will believe.
- why does it looks like- you-
He takes a deep breath, as if he was going to speak for a long time but his voice breaks at the last words:
- killed someone...
- no no, I didn't kill anyone!! I start panicking to convince him, why would I kill someone? I don't even know why my clothes are full of blood you know-
My explanations were unclear and only worried him even more. Unconsciously, I take a step towards him and he steps back abruptly.
- stop Hyunjin, you're scaring me-
His breathing becomes jerky, which is evident in this situation and I know he doesn't believe me.
A huge hubbub erupts from the building's stairs and someone shouts at the door, freezing my already cold blood.
A shiver runs through my spine.
- Open the door immediately!!
I read in Han's eyes that I've lost all his trust and he was going to rush to the door before the police forced it open. Not even knowing why the police is there, I stay in the middle of the living room, petrified.
- he's here, he's here! announces a policeman to his colleague.
A gun, then two, three, and finally all those of the police team are pointed at us, but more specifically at me.
- hands up or I shoot.
I comply without waiting, under the dark and death gaze of the policeman.
- wait, I swear I didn't do anything, I don't even know what's happening!!
The police ignore my remark, which is quite logical since I look like a murderer, and handcuff me.
I look up and see Han very confused, also handcuffed.
- can you tell me why police is here, Hyunjin? he articulates after a few seconds. and what happened to you??
- I don't know, I-
- no discussion.
The sound of the gun loading right next to my ear brings me to a halt and sends a shiver down my spine.
The policeman makes me get up and leads me to the door, cautiously and on guard, looking at me. I let myself go anyway, not wanting to have any more trouble.
I try to glance desperately behind me for Han to help me, but he avoids my gaze and has a closed face, making me understand that he doesn't trust me anymore.
In a last hope, I step back to get back in the middle of the living room and say aloud:
- and why am I getting arrested? I don't even know why!!
The policeman holding me stops and lets out a laugh, before looking me straight in the eye.
Everyone freezes and watches him pronounce this sentence with incredible composure in a haughty, almost threatening, tone:
- it makes sense, right? you are under arrest for armed robbery and intentional homicide of four civilians.

Arrested? Why?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя