They meet

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Dobby was walking down the Hogwarts hallway with Lucious dumbass Malfoy. Dobby was carrying a broom when he suddenly tripped, Lucious turned to dobby and screeched "OMFRGGG DOBBY YOU LITTLE STUPID ELF DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY FEET PICS I HAD TO SELL ON ONLY FANS TO GET THAT BROOM" Lucious bitch slapped dobby across the hall and into the wall. 

Dobby got up, still clutching onto the broom "Dobby is tired of a little bitch boy with daddy issues slapping him. Dobby will now show master WHAT IT FEELS to be bitch slapped all the time" 

Dobby walked over to Lucious like the Giga chad he is and beat him with the broom. Suddenly, a buff girl with a bowl cut and an annoying ass backpack walked in. Dobby was so mesmerized by this bowl-cut kid that he started huffing and puffing and accidentally blew down Hogwarts with his simp breathing, whoopsie 🤪. Lucious accidentally died but who cares abt him anyways? 

Dobby and Dora stared at each other for 696969696969696969 seconds while a speaker played careless whisper on repete. Suddenlt dora and dobby started making out.  

My little sock. Dobby x Dora x Donald trumpWhere stories live. Discover now