Chapter 1

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Why did she love Inuyasha? 

Kikyo tilted her head, wondering almost aloud, the words just on the end of her tongue. No one would be able to hear anything quieter than a shout, anyway. She tucked her arms closer around her knees. 

She sat at the peak of one, the village behind her. Her eyes wandered afar, tracing the bright,  grassy hills, where figures ran up and down them, yelping and squealing. 

Kikyo easily picked out Kaede, chasing around the children at a much less than full pace. Obviously taller than the large gaggle of children, her shoulder length, black hair jumping about. 

She had sat here often since Inuyasha left for the panther war. It was almost routine, now, tocome out to the open air and sit for at least a little, before her responsibilities called her once more. 

Was it because he's a hanyo? 

Kikyo felt herself smile as she watched the village children squeal gleefully, only fake fear tinting their shouts. 

Was it because he saved Kaede? 

Kaede easily caught up to one of the children, a young boy, grabbing him around the waist and hoisting him into the air. The boy shrieked and kicked the air, wriggling, as Kaede pretended to dig her head into the back of the boy's neck. 

Because Inuyasha was lonely, like she had been? 

No, Kikyo decided, tilting her head up to the clear, blue sky. Not that any of those quiet answers had absolutely no truth to them. Just...did it matter? 

She closed her eyes, a deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth. 

Kikyo along the side of the boat, leaning back slightly. Her hair flapped gently in the soft breeze. Beside the miko, a white-haired hanyo hung his arm off of the side, his own hair billowing similarly. 

At the time, she'd told herself it was to check the next village, to assure it had not been affected by the demon attack the two had fought off together. 

Now, and probably some small part of her then, Kikyo knew it had been an excuse to be alone together. Just them beside one another, sitting almost a hand apart. 

The boat bobbing lazily in the water, the river sloshing and occasionally splashing up the sides beneath them. The scenery of forest, of trees and underbrush and the occasional clearings slowly going by. 

And no one wondering, asking silently with their eyes only, what a miko was doing with a hanyo alongside her. That Inuyasha had aided in the village's defense, if not more than Kikyo herself, only assured the villagers he wasn't going to turn on them at the first opportunity. 

And yet, neither spoke much. The silence, the water, and the company of one another was more than fine. In that moment, Kikyo's thoughts were consumed by Inuyasha; what he'd thought of her, of his answers to her questions of giving up his demon blood, becoming human. How he'd simply said nothing in answer. 

But, paying attention to her own thoughts and little more, Kikyo tripped getting out of the boat. Between the rocking of the boat, the bump of it against the shore, and Inuyasha's fighting the current, she lost her balance and pitched back with a yelp of surprise. Right into the hanyo behind her. 

Then Kikyo instinctively yelped again, though thankfully softer, as she looked up and met Inuyasha's eyes. His strong form easily took her weight, one of his hands half wrapped around her upper arm. Those light brown eyes took in her own, seeming to see everything. 

The boat pole made a soft knocking sound as it fell to the boat. Then Inuyasha was sweeping Kikyo up off of her feet. Her hands scrambled for grasp at his chest as her legs were swept up by his arm beneath her knees. 

And his face...a dozen emotions run through his eyes, so focused on her. Want, need, care. Something more. 

Kikyo pulled herself against him, feeling his warmth against her body, and watches something go out of him. 

"Kikyo," Inuyasha whispered, his breath in her hair. His embrace tightened, and she in return.

Kikyo's heart was thundering, her breathing heavier. Did...did he mean...he was willing? To give up his demon blood? 

Kikyo braced herself on his top and raised her face to his, hoping with all of her being. Without hesitation Inuyasha accepted the offering, sealing his lips to her's. 

He would become human. 

Did it matter why? 

It didn't. Kikyo smiled, and let her eyes fall onto the whole of the scene. The bright, sunny day, the soft breeze. The trees, the grass, Kaede and the children. 

All the answer she really needed was to, well, be still and let her heart tell her what she felt. And right now, it was telling her she could barely wait for him to return. 

That was it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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