Such A Silly Cat!

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Footsteps can be heard getting gradually faster and louder..

"Oh HELL naw!" A teenager in a black hoodie with a black cap facing backwards took a harsh turn at a corner connecting two hallways..

With a strange, still yet deadly entity chasing him, leaving silly little noises along the way.

Jard was the only living survivor of the round, and sadly, with two minutes left on the timer.

It just happened that his teammates decided to screw around the nextbot spawn, putting up barriers and landmines.

However, because of the sheer amount of landmines around the said spawn, some we're downed..

And now their dead. Bruh.

The nextbot was getting closer to Jard, but he had no more colas to use.

'LORD. This is why you don't fuck around the spa-' He thought, and then a bright flash engulfed the area.


".. maw.."
Jard opened his eyes.

What was that noise? It seemed to be near him.. A cat?

But he was sure the only cats around was either a nextbot or.. A teammate messing with him, but his teammates we're already dead long before..and nobody wore a cat suit, or shown any signs of furry activity.

So why?

"mreow." it let out a noise again.

Jard tried to stand up, only to stumble and fall down.

"huwah?" confused, Jard looked at himself.


"Wha-" Jard was even more confused.. What's with this weird view?

Then the paw moved, right on the moment he tried to move.


He was a cat.

.. Maybe overdosing on cola was really bad, he should definitely set a limit.

Maybe minus one cola.

"Meow!" A distant noise from afar called out.

He looked at the general direction where the tiny meow came from.

A yellow, cat. Who stared at him..

Then ran away.

Jard felt an urge telling him to follow the kitty.

Unconsciously, he obliged.
And so he stood on four legs.


It seemed like he already knew how to walk like this, like as if he was a born cat from the start.

"Man, being a cat is pretty weird, but it feels amazing!" Jard told to no one in particular.

After walking for a while, the area around him started to change.

Instead of a long hallway with white walls, he was greeted with a grey fog, getting thicker at the second.

Really, what is going on here?

Then something appeared.

A red lazer.

As if an inner instinct activated, Jard immediately eyed the small red ray of light.

"Ugah no! I'm not a cat, I'm better than this!" Jard resisted the influence..

Only to immediately pounce towards it.

"Holy shit! This is kinda fun!" he laughed heartily as he chased the small lazer, running and pouncing around like a little cat.

Then he came to a complete stop.

It was a pair of legs he saw, black pants, black boots.


He looked up to see a familiar face..

Galf, the shopkeeper.

"You know.. I was just testing my lazer out, but zamn, I managed to reel in a cute kitty!" The excited shopkeeper reached out to Jard and held him up like a baby. "God! You're so cute!"

"Mreow!!.. Meow?!" Jard's cries were replaced with simple meows and hisses, what was happening? Just a minute ago, he could speak perfect english! And yet..

"Ah! I think I had some tuna at the back, you want some?" Galf talked to the poor kitty in a baby-teasing voice.

If one were to witness the interaction, they'd say Galf had gone mad.

'WHA??? NOO I DON'T WANT THE TUNA PLEASE GALF IM BEGGING YOU-' Jard pleaded, but all that came out was "mroew!! Ramrw maoew!!!".

All he could do was meow and meow, as he was taken into the shop, to be fed tuna.

And maybe be turned into a house pet.

"-OO NOOO I DON'T WANT THE FUCKING TUNA-" Jard jolted awake, punching at air.. What?

What just happened?

Jard immediately looked around to see a poor shopkeeper.

Galf had been staring at him, confused and disturbed, like as if he'd seen a ghost.

Jard looked at himself, alright, he was back to normal..? He also seemed to be lying in a bed.

"What the fuck dude? I literally just come in trying to check on you and then you start screaming like mad..screaming about tuna and stuff?.." Galf was completely flabbergasted.

Did Jard hate tuna that much..?

Realizing the situation he was in, he asked Galf. "Anything else.. I say?"

"Yeah uh, you were saying 'meow'. You were also purring, like a cat.." His eyes went wide. "OH. YOU A FURRY? no way.." He backed a few steps away.

"I didn't know you were into that nasty shit?!" Jard's eye twitched.

".. Really?"

"'kay it's a joke buddy.. You suck." Galf re-postured himself.

"maw." a small voice interrupted.

"Ahh.. Bad kitty, you aren't supposed to be here.." Galf picked up a small yellow cat.. Which coincidently looked like the cat in Jard's dream.

"So what's up?" Galf said as he scratched the chin of the cat.

"Ack.. It's just a dream.. A nightmare maybe.. The hell happened anyway?" He rubbed his head.

"You were smacked by the nextbot to the wall, seemed like a critical hit, because you went completely limp after that. It's been about 10 to 13 rounds after you got knocked out." Galf stated.

"Looked funny as hell too-"

"shut your mouth fucker." he spat.

Galf chuckled a little bit, then the cat jumped unto Jard.

"meow..!" Lemon turned in circles and lied down.

"ah! Oh.. One more thing, Lemon also started checking on you ever since I patched your head and everything, dunno, probably cat curiosity? She was also trying to wake you up.. With meows and shit."


"The cat, moron."

Jard stared at a cat, currently in a 'bun' position in front of him.

The cat purred as Jard petted her back.

"cute" he whispered.

"What?" The shopkeeper asked.


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