Chapter Five - Songs of My Home

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Nate didn't know how much time had passed before he eventually fell asleep. It could've been five minutes or it could've been hours. All he knew was that he was extremely uncomfortable and cold.

Opening his eyes, Nate felt himself falling. His eyes widened as he frantically looked around, his arms and legs flailing around as he tried to catch hold of something. All he saw was pitch black darkness. Opening his mouth to scream, the ebony began to panic as he felt water fill his mouth, nose and lungs. Nate tried coughing up the water but to no avail as even more took its place. The ebony soon felt his eyes getting heavy, the burning need for air becoming a losing battle. He tried one last time to rid of the water in his system only to have more fill his mouth yet again. Soon enough, Nate felt his eyes close before everything stopped hurting

Nate shot up, his eyes flying open as he coughed and gasped for air. Looking around, the ebony saw that he was still in the basement. Taking a few deep breaths to try and calm his racing heart, Nate brought his knees to his chest hugging them as tears filled his eyes.

"One step forward two steps to Hell" Nate began to sing softly to himself, wiping away his tears, "you bleed me dry yet I can't let go.. Say you love me but is it true or just a lie" Standing up on shaky legs, the ebony walked over to the steps that lead to the main house, "My hands are tied with each word you say" Going up the steps, Nate rested his forehead against the door with a small sigh, "bleed me dry yet I still stay"

The ebony turned around and leaned his back against the door as he closed his eyes, "I still stay.." Opening his eyes once more, Nate walked back down the stairs, going over to the tub of water and looking at his reflection, "It's addicting like a drug, the pain is brutal"

Nate let out a sigh as a teardrop fell into the water, creating a small ripple in his reflection, "Run my love dry till there's nothing left to give" Shaking his head to clear it, the ebony wiped away his tears before going back up the steps and sitting down on the top one, "till there's nothing left to give.." He then curled up and closed his eyes, trying to fall back asleep.

Eventually, Nate woke up to the door being unlocked and opened, causing him to stand up and back up a few steps. When the door finally opened, Nate winced at the sudden light. Once his eyes adjusted, the ebony saw Matt standing there with a warm smile.

"Good morning, love" He greeted, "Hope you learned your lesson" he added as he held out his hand with a warm smile.

Nate hesitated, looking down at Matt's hand for a moment before taking it and allowing the other male to guide him to the kitchen where he saw a plate of bacon and eggs waiting for him.

"I'm sure you're hungry" Matt spoke up as he let go of Nate's hand, "Eat up" he added, "It's already 8:30"

Nate only gave a small smile as he sat down and began to eat, taking a bite of one of the bacon strips. As soon as the food hit his taste buds, the ebony nearly melted. With him not eating dinner the night before, his stomach felt numb with hunger.

Matt chuckled softly as he saw Nate take another bite, "Slow down, love. You don't want to make yourself throw up, do you?"

As soon as Matt spoke, the ebony nearly choked on the bite he'd just taken. As he caught his breath, Nate took a small sip of water to help wash it down before glancing over at the brunette, "Sorry" he murmured

Matt gave a warm smile, "It's alright. Just be more careful"

Nodding, Nate continued eating, this time slower, occasionally taking a sip of his drink. Once he was finished, the ebony stood up and took his plate over to the sink, rinsing it off before turning back to Matt, "I'm gonna go get dressed" With that, he left the kitchen, heading upstairs to do just that.

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