Platform 9¾

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Kings Cross Station is quite a famous one. It's easy to underestimate the sheer number of people who visit this place to carry out their wild and bustling lives. Cassi enjoyed the anonymity of large and hectic crowds, filled with waves of self-obsessed people rushing about so as to not be late. Crumbling brickwork arched over worn traintracks. Porters hauling bags walked around in an efficient daze. Noticing this prompted Cassi out of her own. She shook her head slightly to clear it, and gripped her suitcase handle tighter. Her tabby cat -  Sherlock, lay curled on top, ears pricked, paying attention yet feigning nonchalance. She strode across the busy pavement, people blurring as she ignored the passing platforms to reach... 9¾

Perfect. This time, not even Sherlock flinched upon entering the well used wall. Excitement seeped through her skin, infiltrating deep into her very bones. Cassi took a deep breath, relishing the moment. The Hogwarts Express whistled cheerfully  although it wasn't due to leave for another half hour. It paid to be on time. She took a seat on one of the benches that lined the tracks, prepared to wait for her friend. Nodding hello to various acquaintances, she remained in the same spot for only a few minutes until she spotted a family red head bobbing his way through the crowd, making a beeline directly to her bench.

"CHARLIE!!" Cassi beamed as she leaped up from her seat to hug her best friend. His arms engulfed her and she disappeared into his layers of jacket upon shirts. "Really? It's only just been August." She raised an eyebrow at his attire.

He grinned "September now. Hopefully the train will be warmer, if the trolley lady doesn't 'accidentally' bump the heater again to display her pettiness." He didn't remember the moment fondly. Cassi laughed, and turned to hug Mrs. Weasley.

"Happy birthday for last week! Sorry I couldn't be there." She said, pressing a carefully wrapped present into Molly's arms.

"Oh not to worry. How is dear Sirius? And you really shouldn't have got me anything." She protested mildly, "but thank you, it's very thoughtful."

"I imagine you'll be able to ask Sirius yourself, if Walburga gives you a chance." Charlie spoke wryly, tilting his head.

"Oh dear," Cassi muttered as she made eye contact with Sirius's fuming mother. She made her apologies, grabbed her suitcase with Sherlock on top, and quickly moved to intercept the Black family on their Walburga-lead warpath.

"Cassiopeia." Walburga said sternly. "What are you doing, fraternising with those blood traitors?"

"Lovely to see you! I'm so glad you made the trip to drop of Sirius, after all, fifth year is a big one, and you've been so busy with your work at the moment, it must be quite overwhelming." Cassi cut her off with a practiced smile and delicate embrace.

Walburga sniffed. "Well of course. It's always best to make sure Sirius is around the right people. And the same applies to you, darling. I'd hate for you and your reputation to be tainted by any filth." Cassi nodded in sympathy for her noble sacrifice... conflict was reserved for private places, in public there was a facade to maintain in the esteemed Black family.

Walburga looked around and realised Sirius had wandered off. Cassi position herself to block the view to the conversation between Sirius and the Weasly family. She continued the pointless small talk for a little longer before excusing herself to board the train.

The familiar sight made her feel considerably better. She wheeled her suitcase through the carriages, taking her time to say hello to friends. She stopped and opened doors, poking her head into various carriages, any house, it didn't matter. She avoided Snivellus, just because Lily liked him didn't mean she had to. And she had seen plenty of him during the holidays, enough for a lifetime. Eventually she came across Sirius and Remus, James was nowhere to be seen. He'd show up eventually, although hopefully they wouldn't need to stop the train for him. She opened the door fully and wheeled Sherlock in  front of her. The tabby took the opportunity to leap off onto a seat.

Remus stood up to help pick up the suitcase. "Good to see you Cassi. Packing light as always?" She grinned. She'd quickly got into the habits of leaving everything at Hogwarts, and packing a little for the summer holidays. Remus teased each time though. She secured the suitcase and took a window seat, Sherlock stalking his way forward into her lap.

"Sorry for ditching you with Mother." Sirus apologised. Cassi shrugged. Sirius rarely got the chance to catch up with Charlie outside of school.

"Not like I needed your support anyways" She laughed. Sirius and Remus chuckled, "clearly James requires us at the moment, the train is about to leave." The others nodded a quick agreement, and they stood to have a look for their missing friend, disrupting Sherlock in the process. But at that moment, James appeared at the door, panting slightly, apologising profusely.

"About time," Sirius frowned, "why, we were genuinely concerned."

"Sirusly??" James asked. "You really do care." He attempted to headlock Sirius, who laughed as he dodged James, and rolled his eyes. Cassi smiled. It was good to be heading home.

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