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I'm not a normal woman. You may be confused as to why so, I'll explain. My name is Y/N and I am a princess. Now you must be thinking, ok that's not that abnormal but that's where you'd be wrong. I'm a princess from another dimension. Now before you leave thinking I'm totally nuts, let me continue explaining. I was born in a kingdom called Astonia but not from a King or Queen. I know, how can that make me a princess. Well, the rules in my world are different to the rules here. Every time a new princess is born it's random. It could be the butchers daughter, daughter of the village clown or to a young lady who is of rich blood. It doesn't matter. You can tell who the princess is by a mark that appears on her body. Another clue is a book is manifested when she's born.

Now the book is very important because it's a part of the princess. How? Well it's her powers. That's right I have a book that is the embodiment of my powers but, I don't have access to them. In my world you get your powers after you've successfully consummated. I don't just mean plain sex, I mean the princess needs to actually finish. I know this sounds like the plot of a porno but please bare with me. The book chooses the perfect match for the princess. Only this person can properly consummate the princess igniting her powers. When the princess finishes, it causes the man to finish too which then binds them forever. The book then becomes light and absorbs into the girl and a little into the guy too. It takes a little while for the powers to start appearing but soon she will become immortal along with her King. Due to this the princess and the guy that is chosen for her, mate for life and never need to seek out another. Through the consummation process they fall deeply in love and learn much about each other.

So now to the bad part, I am a refugee. The king that rules over the kingdom that is meant to be mine is a horrible ruthless monster. And before you ask, no the princess's book did not choose him. His name is king Nictis and he was an outcasted evil  warlock. He was very handsome but the horrible way he'd treat and manipulated people made him very ugly. He was exiled for using dark magic to manipulate the wealthy into giving him their riches and beautiful virgin daughters. Let's just say that he produced many unwanted children. Soon after him being banished he discovered the identity of the new princess and decided to take things into his own hands. After kidnapping the princess he put a spell on her book so it would become his. The book turned black with malice and emanated a horrible and terrifying aura. Then he placed a spell on the girl so that when he forced himself on her she would finish and he would become king. Unfortunately for the girl she lost everything she was meant to be. That night Nictis killed the former King and Queen and a dark and never ending cloud engulfed the sky. The next day The king threw the girl into a whore house where his guards would frequently visit. King Nictis enslaved the entire kingdom and did so with no remorse. He beheaded the weak and old if they couldn't work and every beautiful girl who came of age he'd deflower himself. Then they'd be put them into the whore house. If they had a baby boy from him he'd take the babies and have them raised to one day be soldiers who were as evil and cruel as him. If they had girls they were of no use to him. When they turned 16 they would be put to work in the whore houses until they were no longer desirable by even the drunk guards. Then they'd be put into slavery with everyone else.

One hundred years passed since he became king and through all the misery and pain not a single ray of hope befell the land until one day when a virgin girl who hid underground with some of the rebellion gave herself to a young lad from the surface who she had fallen in love with.  The boy was a spy for the rebellion and was in the royal guard. The love and hope they shared produced a baby girl nine months later. Yep you guessed it, that baby was me. I bared the mark of the princess and a new book appeared. It was blue with gold patenting around the edges. In the middle was the mark. The mark also appeared on my lower back. My parents feared for my well-being knowing the king would come for me.

The King had the young boy watched closely, he was very suspicious of his comings and goings. The boy was followed to the rebellion that had stayed hidden for 30 years. The king had the boy killed for treason and then stormed the rebellion. Those who fought back were killed, all young women were taken to the kings quarters and everyone else was enslaved. When he noticed my mother he was entranced with her beauty, she was like a goddess herself. Then he noticed the baby she carried with her. Normally he'd loose interest in her immediately since she wasn't pure but she was breathtaking in every way, he had to have her. She was held back when I was taken from her. She screamed and cried as she knew my fate.

The king was about to hand me to a guard so I could be raised for him later in my life when he noticed the book. He was filled with rage and fear. You see, if I were to find my king and successfully become Queen I'd be able to fight and overthrow him and because my powers would be rightfully mine I would be stronger than him. He wanted anything but that. He was immortal, everlasting and the most powerful being in the universe. He wanted to continue his life of power and authority. To continue bedding beautiful women and killing people for pleasure.

He was going to have me killed right there and then but it dawned on him that he could keep me locked up until I was old enough and he could take my powers like he did to the last princess making him even more powerful. After the guards took me from my mum I was given to a nasty woman to raise. After the siege the king went to a very special place. It was the reason for every princess that ever existed. It was the home of a tree. Not just any tree. This tree was a gift from the very last goddess of my universe. She bestowed the tree the people of Astonia before she died. Astonia was the name of the goddess and as thanks the people named the kingdom after her. The tree chose a newborn girl every 100 years and bestowed on her the power of the gods so she may protect her world with integrity, kindness and love. Using that very power King Nictis destroyed the tree severing the ties from the past gods and goddesses forever so no one else would be chosen as princess. I was now the last princess there ever will be, securing his place as king forever. I am now the only embodiment of the gods that was left. I needed to be rescued.

My mother was forced into being the kings wife. He adored her beauty and wanted to be the only one to bed her. My mother agreed only if she could have access to me and he agreed. Nictis made her produce a son for him and he was as potent and evil as his father. He was a strong warlock like his father had been and he was to be a prince. He was allowed anything he desired. He showed signs of becoming a killer and his father loved it. The king still continued to bed every virgin he could get his hands on but my mother was his trophy, his prize. But, he couldn't wait to see how beautiful I'd turn out to be. My father was very handsome too so he knew I'd be a jewel worth keeping even after my innocence and powers were his.

When I turned 16 the king came to see me for the first time. He stared in aw. I was so beautiful it put my mother's looks to shame. I had a body that was to be worshiped my the very heavens and my looks were even more so. All the love and hope I gave my people only enhanced my beauty with every year. The king was so excited for that night when he'd replace my mother with me. I was disgusted. My mother was going to be treated like a hand me down rag and I was going to be used to indulge his every pleasure for the rest of my days. Nictis left as I was being prepped for him that night.

My mother invoked hope and bravery into some of the slaves a few weeks ago and that afternoon they stormed the castle. My mother got me out and she begged my book for help, to save me from the evil king. The book opened up and revealed a page with a way to send me to another dimension where I could live in safety. (The book is like book from hocus pocus but with obvious differences.) She and some of my people took me to where the tree once stood and placed me in its tangled net of dead roots. My book came to me and I wrapped my arms around it. I held onto my mum's hand begging her to come with me as my book called upon what little magic was in the lifeless roots. The roots wrapped themselves around me. I cried with fear as I was pulled out from her grasp. I was lifted into the air as the guards approached. A green light engulfed me as I watched the king arrive and the people who saved me were cut down and my mother was captured once again. I screamed and cried out for her before I vanished.

That was four years ago now. I managed to stay safe and I was able to get myself a job and a run down studio apartment. It isn't much but it's a start at least. I miss my mum and I don't remember my father because of that Damn bastard. I miss my homeland and I so badly want to save my people. But to do that I need to find the man I'm meant to be with, get my powers and then I swear on my life Nictis will pay for what he has done.......

I hope you all enjoyed this first part. The first chapter will be out soon. I'm really excited for this story and I hope you guys are too.

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