Day 21

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Day 21

Chapter 1:

January 1, 2013- I looked out the only window. You could still see the smudged palm and finger prints from that night. The once translucent bright color of red that had been splattered that night was now dark and lifeless. It should have been the soft tender white snow I saw when outside, but instead I saw the horrible sight of sacrifice. I saw what the event of December 21 from last year had driven humanity to, and yet I could not look away. For some reason this scene had entranced me. I was the one who had ordered this, and now I was looking at the frightening consequences and power of words. This fear, that’s what paralyzed me at that window.

January 2, 2013- I know one day someone will find someday, and they deserve to know what happened here. Well here’s to whoever finds this: my name is Lieutenant James Del Vince. A couple survivors and I have barricaded ourselves in an abandon U.S. military base. We were all fortunate enough to survive the terrifying event of 21, and even now we are still fighting for our lives, not knowing whether we’ll live to see the next day. We’re beginning to run out food, water and medical supplies. With each day the possibility of having to leave our fortress of solitude begins to become more and more of reality and less of just an idea. No one likes to talk about it, but everyone knows it’s on the table. The thought lurks among us just like THEY use to, but only, this thought spreads through stares. Like a silent language that everyone seems to naturally understand. If you’re reading far into the future then you obviously don’t know what I’m talking about when I refer to THEM, but I will have to explain later. Right now it is late and rest is crucial.

January 3, 2012- Some of the children seem to have seen something near the perimeter of the base. I gathered a patrol of about 25 men to go check it out. Last time the children saw “something” and we disregarded we were almost overran. We weren’t about let history repeat itself. We suited up, and armed ourselves. Most of the men preferred AK-47-A9 with scopes, and I did to. It wasn’t so hard to maintain and fired just as well, if not better then any other assault rifle. The only difference was I didn’t carry a scope. When it came to moving fast, and staying agile the scope seemed to oppose that, and those were some human qualities that I was not willing to sacrifice for a “better shot”. All our weapons were silenced. If were going to take anyone down, it had to be silent or we could attract more of THEM. Sometimes that’s exactly what we wanted, but not here and not today. We could not risk comprising the base, and the security of the men, women, and children that had laid their undying trust and loyalty to us. We took 5 ATPC’s (All Terrain Personal Carrier), which perfectly divided everybody. There were five in each one. One mounted on the top were the .75 caliber MG was mounted but never used unless under extreme circumstances. The other four rode on the bottom and are “suppose” to keep their eyes open. Problem is that they don’t always do what their “suppose” to do. Well, I got to do the same and were about to set out. Ill write more later.

January 4, 2012- One of the ATPC’s broke down, and we had to radio in. Were not sure exactly what happened yet. The mechanics just got here and I’m just sitting here in my well “heated” ATPC. One of the few actually. We haven’t found anything special yet, but the usual. I’m just staring at the horizon while writing. You know, it’s funny how the mountains look like a swarm people. It’s so weird, and it gives this illusion that their moving towards us. Or could it..

January 10, 2010- Alright.. I don’t know how much time I have to do this so let me make this quick. I’m writing this so you know what happened to us: We realized that there was an overwhelming force coming to us. They numbered in the hundreds, and possibly even into thousands. We tried to distract THEM to get them away from the base but we were unsuccessful. In the process we lost 10 men and two of the ATPC’s. We did end up fixing the ATPC’s and we had the mechanics and their escort with us so we didn’t completely lose hope. We decided to try to then beat THEM to the base, but once again we failed. By the time we got there, our base was all ready over ran and in chaos. I had to watch all 600 survivors who were my responsibility get slaughtered, and there was not a single thing I could do. It was suicide to go down there, and I wasn’t about to lose more men. We still had 25 men, but 2 of them (the mechanics) were unarmed. They all looked to me then, waiting for me to tell them what to do now like parentless children, but I was just as clueless as to what to do now, as anybody else. So I went to my ATPC to pray. Yeah, I know, your probably saying, ‘pray?’ But yes, I went to pray. And your probably telling yourself that if there were a God then he would not let this happened, but this isn’t his fault. God didn’t do this. Man did this, and it’s mans job to fix it, or die trying. I eventually decided to head even more north now. THEY don’t like the cold, and the only reason THEY came to our base is probably because THEY somehow found out that there was a large amount of people there. Or in this case.. a large amount of chow for THEM-R.I.P.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2011 ⏰

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