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Silent'Wood huffed, her stomach was huge as she walked past her reflection. My kits better not disappoint, she thought. Her reputation could not be ruined by one measly kit. "Silent'Wood!" called out a familiar voice, she recognized it being Sprout.

Her mother would slaughter her if she found out.

"I told you to call me Silent." I don't need a clan to depend on, she thought. Sprout Chuckled, "I don't think such cats deserve names like that." He smiled. She felt rather uneasy, as her stomach swirled and squashed around.

Sprout looked around, his ears flattened. It must be my mother, she sighed.

Her mothers loud paw steps rattled the sticks on the swampy ground. "Oh My!" Said a brown she-cat, "your stomach- my, it's huge!" Silent'Wood covered her stomach with one paw keeping her balance. "And who is this?" she said looking at sprout, "Oh, Holly'Star! Uhm, I've heard from all the other clans, how amazing you are! Such an inspiration! And such an honor to be speaking to, your daughter.. Such a honor!" Sprout quickly stirred up.

"I see, and what's the name of your pleasant acquaintance?" Sprout thought, "Marsh'Wood! Yes, Marsh'Wood of PineClan!" HollyStar thought for a minute," Did chickens raid there, you reek of chicken!" "er, we took some patrols near the barn.. They seemed to have stolen some kits of ours." Silent'Wood sweated, She'll kill me and Sprout! "Hm, dear do you mind reminding me of your leaders name." Her paw slid down his cheek."

Sprout was helpless, Holly'Star quickly turned to her daughter who was wailing on the ground. Holly'star knew Sprout was a loner, and that he had mated with her daughter. Of course, Holly'star knew everything, you take one step out of Swamp Clan territory without permission you'd be drowned alive within seconds.

Silent'Wood screamed "No!", "Please! Mother! He did nothing wrong." she wailed, as Sprout was pinned down. "If you kill me the kits will be gone to-." It was too late, thought Silent'Wood. Sprouts severed head alay the muddy ground. Her stomach grumbled and pushed and prowled. Her mother looked at the brown cat laying while wailing on the floor. She chuckled, "I will spare you, of course darling." "No!" screamed the helpless she-cat.

Hours had passed and she layed crying as newborn kits suckled her. She cried, "I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!" These kits won't have a future! I don't care if my mother drowns them! God, I WANT HER TO DROWN THEM! Silent'Wood selfishly thought. The other queens quickly grabbed their playing kits. Holly'Star walked in, "Dear, Give me the kits, Now!" meowed the leader. Silent'Wood followed her mother to the swampy river, and watched as she through them into the deep muddy hole of swamp. The kittens padded around yowling. But one reached out of the hole leaving her siblings to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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