Me, myself, and my problems.

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"Annabelle have you fed your dog today?!" my brother accuses from across the table. "Hm? Oh.. um- yea I have." I replied, snapping out of my daydream.
I stood up and put my dish in the sink and walked down the hall to my temporary bedroom. 'Why am I always thinking of someone who is non existent?' I always try to imagine someone perfect for me.. who will hold me and love me. Gosh I'm so stupid and corny!' I roll off "my bed" and walk up to the mirror hanging on the wall. I look in the mirror to find a frazzled girl looking back at me. She has hazel eye, a mixture of blue, green, and brown. My dark brown-red hair falls to my mid-back. Many girls always tell me their envious of my hair color, but it's natural so in my opinion.. I think it's boring. My short 5'1 figure hardly reaches where the mirror starts.
"Ugh.." I sigh thinking of the current issue at hand. Right now I'm at my grandmas house because my uncle is here, her son. The reasoning behind it all is because he was just diagnosed with stage four cancer.. and it's EVERYWHERE. While we should be arriving at my house right now in Georgia, my mom was rushed to the hospital in New Orleans, LA because something went wrong with her appendix. I realize I should know more about this but honestly I'm too stressed out to even WANT to know. "Me, myself, and my problems.." I scoff. I flop down on the bed and whip out my phone. I started to text my friend Tori-

Tori- hahaah what's up?! Come back so we can go shopping :,-(
Belle- I wish I could baby you know I cant!
Tori- Ugh PLOS but just imagine me screaming at you to get your.. butt.. back.. now.. just in violent words! I gtg Barrett is here.
Tori- hahaha will do! Byeeeee ps: how would you know what time I'm back? YOU'RE IN LA!

I giggle at the thought of Barrett's reaction when he sees his little innocent Tori discussing chopping off his.. YA know.. with her best friend. She and I have been best friends ever since the fourth grade and we stuck like glue even when we split for different middle schools. But, now we are at the same high school and it is our senior year! I'm so excited to get out of there.. I hate it. All my life I have looked forward to college and finding the love of my life but honestly I'm a dreamer. Tori has her whole life set out for her though.. she has a perfect relationship, they are going to the same college, and she has her dream job in the works! She has always wanted to become a singer so I hooked her up a few gigs and now here she is performing at all these cool arenas like the Gwinnett arena! I snap out of my trance as I hear my grandma open the door.
"Hey, pack your bag and set out your clothes for tomorrow" she spoke softly.
"Ok I will, who is picking us up from the airport again?"
"Your dad got you an executive driver." she replied turning and walking out.
My dad is staying with my mom in the hospital after her surgery while my brothers and I get on an airplane and he back for school. My dad has some powerful spot in his company so we get fancy driver people, but honestly I just don't care. I'm not one of those spoiled girls who gets what she wants everytime she opens her mouth and throws a fit if she doesn't get it. No, I get everything I want but I am thankful and show my appreciation.. I try my best not be those spoiled brats. I never ask for name brand things either.. like if they have the same thing for cheaper just because of isn't the same brand THEN GET THE CHEAPER ONE! I yet again was pulled out of my rambling thoughts when my brothers walked in. I glanced up at the to familiar face. Alex stood tall compared to me at 5'10 while Hunter stood 5'11. I admired their similarities- both dark brown hair, brown eyes, both ATTEMPTING to grow out beards.- and then noticing their differences- Hunter had more muscle than Alex because Alex's metabolism was super fast, Hunter was 20, Alex 24. They both started talking about irrelevant things about getting home so I zoned out yet again. Soon enough they walked out murmuring their "goodnights". I crawled up the bed and got under the sheets. Pulling my phone from the charger's wire, I start reading books about werewolf love stories. I'm not going to lie, I'm addicted to the books. It's classic love.. just.. with a twist. Every werewolf has a mate, they find them, fall in love, there is a prophecy in the story, there is a war, then they defeat the bad guys and get married. I wonder many times why I even read these if I know the jist of all of them. I finish the last chapters of my book within the hour so I put my book down and go to sleep.


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